

Everyone around is talking across the tables, laughing, swapping stories and having fun.

“Shhh.” Con covers Jamie’s mouth. “Quit telling all those stories about me!” he teases. “Or I’m gonna start in on the ones about you.”

“Oooh,” Carson laughs. “Heavy artillery, huh?”

Con smirks and removes his hand. “Just protecting myself.”

Wyatt grins and lets Aerith go. “Alright, but don’t be gone too long – I might have to send a rescue party after you to drag you out of the kitchen.”

Jason looks up as Katie comes over, his facial expression one of slight apathy, covering up what he might be feeling. He musters up a slight smile though. “Yeah, I guess I’m feeling better.” He twirls his pop glass in his hand. “Glad everyone’s happy…things’ll be different now, but considering the alternative, I don’t think anyone is going to complain.”

“Hey, Katie!” Scott calls down to her. “Con needs your help – he’s dug himself another hole!”

Jason glances down, the corner of his mouth curling. “Your fans are beckoning,” he teases lightly. Not wanting Katie to feel bad or neglected, he nods. “We’ll talk more once this gang has settled down.”

No sooner had Jason been left alone again with that statement lingering, when Con opts for a little more silliness and balls up his straw wrapper to toss it in Scott’s direction.

Scott looks up as the wrapper lands in his lap, but Con is feigning innocence. Scott smirks and picks up the wrapper, stuffing it into the end of his straw, and blowing through the other end to send the paper torpedo back, hitting Con squarely in the chest.

Before Con can react, Scott gets hit from another direction and whips his head around, but doesn’t see the culprit. Picking another target, he grabs another wrapper, sending this one hurling towards Hal, who looks up in bewilderment. Someone shoots another wrapper from down the table. And like an avalanche, suddenly a war breaks out.

Laura’s eyes widen and she scoots back to avoid getting hit. She’d seen who had started this whole thing. “Conrad!”

But her reprimand goes unheard ad Con ducks onto the floor from his chair to stair under the table to the other side where Scott is already on all fours to get away from the barrage.

Scott spots Con and he freezes for a moment before standing and making a mad dash to the end of the table. But his speed is no match for Con’s, and he gets caught by the larger man down at the other end.

Papers are still flying in all directions as Con puts Scott in a choke hold from behind.

“Help!” Scott laughs.

Reese is mid-sentence with Lockheart when he gets hit in the head with a paper projectile. His eyes widen. “Hey!” Looking around, there are too many people involved to find the specific culprit. In a moment of rare humor, Reese picks up his own napkin, balls it up and tosses it in Rick’s direction, beaning him in the head.

Jason sits watching at his end of the table, putting up a hand every once in a while to block paper bullets, and sometimes, to toss one back, but mostly staying out of the battle.

His ears suddenly pick up on the sound of the bell above the front door and he turns to see through to the front room. In her tight black jeans and hot pink tee, Camryn is hard to miss.

Hearing the ruckus in the back room, Camryn automatically looks in that direction and spots Jason. Cocking her head, a grin plays at her lips.

Jason leans back in his chair and gestures to her. She needed to know that Trooper didn’t need a new home if she hadn’t figured it out already.

Camryn comes in slowly, gazing for a moment at the war that had now become one of wrappers, straws and napkins. She can’t help but start to laugh though, at the antics of these adults.

As she approaches, Jason scoots his chair away from the table and grabs another one, pulling it around so they’re still amidst the chaos, but not part of it. “Hey.”

Camryn smiles and sits. “Hey. No dog in the park. Good things, I presume.”

Jason nods. “Why do you think this rowdy bunch is celebrating?”

Camryn giggles. “They look like they’re having fun.”

“I’d say.”

“But what about you?” Camryn looks at his eyes. “How come you’re not shooting straws across the room?”

Jason shrugs, forcing half a grin. “I’ve had enough wars.”

“Coworkers of yours?”


“I see.”

“So yeah…Trooper can stay with me. Thanks though, for being willing to help me out.”

Camryn shakes her head. “It was nothing. I’m curious as to what went on, but I have a feeling you’re just going to say that you’ll tell me some other time.”

“You’re good.”

“I try.”

“How about trying to accept someone’s quietness for once?”

“Ooh, but there’s no fun in that.” Camryn kicks his shin lightly out of playfulness.

Jason rolls his eyes. “Right.” Despite Camryn’s forwardness, he couldn’t be upset with her. She obviously had a good heart, as she’d shown her willingness to help out, even when Jason’s request had been so bizarre. “Hungry?”

Camryn quirks an eyebrow. “Is that an offer to stay?”


“Mr. Cold Attitude asking me to stay and eat?” Camryn reaches out to place a hand on his forehead for a moment. “You don’t feel sick. What happened?”

Jason keeps himself from letting his smile slip. “I’m feeling generous after a huge win at the courthouse.”

“So in other words, if I don’t take you up on this now, I may never have another chance.”

“Could be.”

Camryn smirks at him, but can’t hold in her sly grin. “Alright. I’ll take what I can get.” Turning her chair around to be at the end of the table with Jason, she looks at the rambunctious group. “So…you going to introduce me?”

“Now?” Jason raises his eyebrows. “I’d be too frightened of getting bombarded with wrappers at the moment. It would be best to remain silent and motionless unless you want to be apart of this war.”

Camryn giggles. “You really are a party pooper aren’t you?”

“That’s a very strong possibility.”

“Well, we’ll just have to remedy that.”

“Oh, really?”

Camryn shoots him a sly glance. “Really.”

Jason leans forward on his elbows. “And how do you think you’re going to do that?”

“That’s my secret.” Camryn picks up an unused straw to unwrap and shoots the paper at Jason. “But Camryn Lane doesn’t give up easily.”

“I’m beginning to figure that out.”

“Sore at me again?”

Jason tilts his head and studies Camryn’s face. At the moment, he could honestly say he wasn’t. Camryn was quite a character, but for some reason her presumptuousness didn’t get under his skin anymore, but rather gave his thoughts somewhere different to wander – somewhere that maybe enjoyed the banter. “Nah.”

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