
Robin Hood?

*Katie takes in Jason's emotions like so many times before. This time in a differnt light, in the light of friendship. Absorbing his feelings, his emotions one by one digesting them. Jason was leting her see him, was opening his feelings to her once again. As Jason's emotions start to build start to flow faster Katie can feel the pressure building become almost to much. But like air being released from a balloon the pressure starts to leave as Katie feels Jason close up again. This time knowing anymore and it could of hurt them both. For a moment Katie just sits on the edge of the stage catching her breath and strength. Slowly turns a small smiles is visable on Katies lips.*

"When your ready J...I'll be waiting."

*Slowly Kaite stands and walks over to where Jason is to help him starts to put some of the equipment away knowing the others would be coming back in soon. Katie felt good. This was the start to rebuilding something important to Jason and herself again. A friendship. Something they both wanted. Katie felt more at ease now beaing near Jason., the bridge was being rebuilt and it made it easyer knowing things were on the mend.*

*As Wyatt speaks and Aerith soaks up the information a sence of shock washes over her. This was the last thing she thought was going on with why Wyatt left all the time. Though looking into his eyes, and seeing the light of the sun and the sparkel of the stars Aerith new it was true. It dident make sence to her but she could feel that everything Wyatt was saying was real.*

"I have to say when you told me you were in lawenforcment this isent what I exspected. Though I give you alot of credit. You and everyone who works with you. You guys go into work every day risking your life for what your believe is right. Knowing freely you could die, go to jail get hurt and you all go in and hold your heads up."

*Aerith leans back in the car seat turning a bit to look at Wyatt and study his face. She was so nice and so sweet, He cared what she though, and what she though of him. Wyatt and is friends had shown so much kindness to her. And now she understoond why they seemed so close. Cuz they had to be.*

"Thank you Wyatt. For trusting me enough to tell me. It help because now I can also pray for you all. That God will have his hand in this hearing, and everything will work out ok. And I am sure it will. If there is anything I can do to help let me know."

*Aerith cant help but give alittle giggle.*

"Hey you guys are kind of like Robin Hood and his merry men. Ohh...does that mean I am maid Maryum?"

*Aerith's eyes beam with happyness and joy stairing back at Wyatt giving another soft laugh.*

"I do trust you Wyatt. Thank you again for Trusting me."

*Jamie cant help but laugh at Con's comment about her mom. It struck her funny bone for some reson. Her parents had always been care free nd not the normal parents but god had given them there gifts, and abilitys to fing good in anything. Jamie was blessed with two wonderful parents she loved to much and she was happy Con got along and understood them.*

"hah...thats probley why she is always asking me to bring you over you know that."

*As Con's hang touches Jamies face she couldent help but lean her head into it. She had come to love the feel of his hands no matter how rough they were. To Jamie they felt like silk on her skin bringing her love and comfort.*

"And thank you Con, for returning the love."

*Jamie brings her own hand to Con's face running her finger along his skin making every marking and bump till finally she draws her face close to his and gives him another goodnight kiss promising to see him tomarrow.*

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