
Hang on

Wyatt steps aside, but reaches out to take Misty’s arm. “Now just hang on.” His voice goes stern. “I know you’re glued to him, but lets be reasonable, shall we? The rest of us have just as good of eyes as you do. And besides, if he’s…”

He bites his tongue. What he was thinking was that if Carson was somewhere he shouldn’t be, he really didn’t want Misty having to find him. “I mean…well you just shouldn’t be up out of bed!”

Jason gives a little sigh as Trooper returns to him, and gives the dog a pat on the head. Looking up, his mouth opens without him even thinking, ready to invite Katie along for a walk with him later to take Trooper out. But he catches himself, closing up again. No…that probably wouldn’t be a good idea.

Instead, he just waits a moment, then finally moves around to the other side of his desk to sit down. “Well, no pets in the apartment, so I guess I better start trying to convince Reese to let me keep Trooper here again.”

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