

Jason manages a smile at Katie. “Thanks, Hero.”

As if on cue, as soon as Katie leaves, Rick appears in the doorway. “Hey, Hotshot. Thought I’d come in early this morning to see how you are.”

Reese slams the phone back down in the cradle and looks up as Katie. “Oh, Katie, Katie, Kaite…” He groans, rubbing a hand over his face. “Carson bailed….Misty’s with him.” He shakes his head. “I’m going down to the station now to talk with Brown and get a search out. You go one with your day like normal…I’ll just call you if I need you.”

Carson turns quickly to Misty’s comment about smoking. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Tell that to my nerves.” He watches her get out of the car and gives a little nod. “Like I hadn’t thought about them looking for us…” He almost rolls his eyes. “Yeah, go on – I’ll wait for ya. We’ll be sitting here ‘til I hear from Zane.”

He twirls his phone in his hand. “We can’t just travel in any direction…for all we know, he’s the opposite way and we’re heading away from him. He could be clear across the country.”

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