
Making sure

Jeff accepts Katie's arm and walks slowly next to her. It seemed an odd combination... he had wanted to help her, but she was helping him. But perhaps it wasn't so strange after all.

Arriving at the infirmary, he gives her hand a little squeeze. He had absolutely no idea how she felt, but he knew she was hurting, and that was enough for him to offer what comfort he could.

Jason looks up as Katie enters, catching her eye. He tries to give her a smile... he wasn't upset, he wasn't mad... least of all with her.

"Alright, you two." Rick takes the bottles from the counter. He eyes Katie, knowing good and well that she wasn't happy about this. He didn't mean to make this happen... he felt a little stuck at the moment and almost wished he hadn't figured out a formula. He'd figured it out for other reasons, not knowing Jason would really want this. But he wouldn't stand in the way. It was between the two of them now.

"Yours..." He hands a bottle to Jason. "And yours." He hands the other to Katie. "You should take one a day. The effects will last about twenty-six hours, so you have a couple hours difference in there to play with. But any time you suddenly feel symptoms that it has worn off, take one immediately or it'll get a lot worse. Jason, you know this."

Jason nods. He knew all too well.

Rick continues. "You can adjust your own schedules accordingly, but don't let much time lapse in between or else you'll be making the other one of you miserable. You should have enough there for a month, which means when you're close to getting out, I'll have more for you." He shrugs lamely. "I guess that's it. Initially, you shouldn't feel much shock. Your connection should dissolve gradually since you'll both be coming down from it at the same time. But if you do feel too much discomfort, come see me."

Jason looks at the bottle in his hand, then to Katie.

I love you, Hero. This doesn't change that.

Popping the lid on the bottle, he deposits one of the small gray pills in his palm. Something so small... and it would take away so many problems. Without delaying it any longer, he pops it in his mouth, taking the cup of water Rick offers him.

Rick looks to Katie, making sure she is going to do the same.

Ryder laughs and ruffles Thirteen's hair. "You goof. Feels nice, doesn't it? Maybe now you'll actually sleep on something softer than the floor. Of course... Laura's coming for the rest of her stuff today, then you'll have a real bed."

Yawning again, he shakes his head. "I suppose I better head in to work." He leans down and plants a kiss on her forehead. Staying bent over her face, he smiles. "After a quick breakfast, you coming with me?"

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