
I have to

Looking up from her cubicle Katie cant help the small smile that formed on her face. It was good to see him, and it was nice to know he was up and walking.

"Uncle Jeff, its good to see you up and around."

Standing Katie reaches out and gives Jeff a loving hug. She missed her uncle and not being at the ranch. It wasnt often she was hit with the waves but they came now and than.

Backing up a few steps again Katie has to break her gaze from Jeff as he mentions Jason being in with Rick. She new it would come no matter how much she didn't want it to. Her eyes darken again as she thinks about what was to take place today. She could feel her emotions starting to bounce again.

"Uncle Jeff, I don't want to do this but I have to because if I don't Jason will just keep hounding me like he did when he first told me, and than yesterday at the concert. I dont have a choose in this and its not fair. I love him, and I dont want him to be angry with me I just...its not fair."

Letting out a sigh again Katie moves a little and trys to give a half smile to Jeff.

"You have enough to worry about Uncle Jeff you don't need to worry about me too. Thank you though."

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