
Will you

Entering the infirmary and take the bottle that Rick had handed her Katie's stomach did flip flops as she broke out in a sweat. She could feel her hands get clamy as her hands shook slightly from the intense amount of emotions.

No smile formed on Katie's face as she looked up at Jason. Her eye's formed tears and maybe the last call for Jason not to do this or maybe even for help. She didnt want to do this, she didnt want the memories to come. Hearing Jason's I love you Katie, cocks her head a little.

Now will you marry me?

Looking away from Jason Katie choaks on her own tears as she can hear Jason open the bottle and put it into his hand. Ass Jason drinks the water Katie just stands there. It was really happening, she really was going to be alone again with her own mind. Her own, scared torched mind.

slowly opening her own bottle Katie put the pill into her hand and for a long few moments just looks at it not taking it right away. Looking up at Rick her eyes were glazed and looked darker now. Finally putting the pill in her mouth Katie takes the water and swallows the pill. Closing her eyes she just stands there not saying anything but trying to maintain herself.

Turning to Jeff Katie returns the squeeze on his hand.

"Thanks for being there for me."

Than turning to Jason Katie gives a nod. It was done, and that was it. Throwing the bottle into her pocket Katie heads for the door. She didnt know what else to say if there really was anything at all.

Thirteen cant help the giggle as she sits up on the couch.

"Something to eat sounds good. I think my stomach is talking again."

Feeling Ryder's kiss makes Thirteen smile even more. Sitting up she leans into Ryder a little more giving him a kiss on the lips before pulling away again. Standing to give a streach.

"Yeah I'll tag along again. Though I think Reese should give you the day off."

Thirteen throws Ryder a wink.

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