

Ryder wasn't quite expecting Thirteen to make herself comfortable in his arms, but he doesn't mind. He rather likes it.

Scooting back a little so he can lean back, he lets Thirteen's head sink down into his lap, and puts his feet up on the coffee table. The kitchen light was still on and the dishes weren't quite done from supper. But if he fell asleep here, he didn't care.

One hand absentmindedly rakes through Thirteen's hair, soothing the tension away. A small smile comes to his lips. "I like it too."

His mind lingers on her statement about finding her father. He opens his mouth to say something, but then seems to think better of it. He'd made a promise. Sighing deeply, he leans his head back and closes his eyes, his fingers still combing her hair.

Jason is just turning to help Katie when he gives a jump as if he'd been shocked. It wasn't painful, but it was enough to have caused a disruption in the flow of emotions so that he felt it.

Spinning around he sees Katie, surprised at the curse and at her reaction to the pain. It's automatic for him to go to her, no matter what they'd argued about earlier.

Going to her chair, he kneels down in front of her, prying her hand loose so he can see. "You just pinched it good." He rubs it gently, knowing that the nerves were still quite sensitive. Touching her hand, he consciously emits gentler emotions than he had earlier, knowing that his touch would amplify them. There was a whole lot going unsaid between them though, and even though several months ago this would bring them closer, tonight it's just a method to calm nerves.

With every new word coming from Angel, Clint's gut tightens just a little bit more. He rocks in the easy chair, holding Chase a little closer. The same feeling like when he'd seen Cecilia so lifeless returns and he can feel himself fighting emotions.

Finding out about their baby's heart condition, Clint doesn't even know what to say. His eyes meet his wife's and all he can do is muster up the most encouraging gaze he can. Yes, they would still have Chase. But it was still heart-wrenching. He'd already fallen in love with both of his children.

His eyes fall to Cecilia and how small and delicate she was. He wanted to cry, but no tears came. He wanted to sit and hold her too, but he was holding Chase. He wanted to hold Wendy, but they were both caring for the babies. What else was there to do?

"Thank you." It seemed trite, but he thanked Angel anyway. "I... know you've done all you can. No one can ask more than that. You're right... we've been blessed with a healthy baby boy... and for as long as we have Cecilia... we'll always remember it."

One hand reaches over to squeeze Wendy's shoulder, trying to bring her encouragement. It was all he knew how to do.

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