

Wrapping her own arm around Ryder Thirteen sinks into his chest and his arms. They wraped around her and gave her shelter, and comfort that she needed. She was happy to have Ryder around.

Still staying snuggled in Ryder's chest Thirteen brings her one arm around to his chest to rest it there with her head as she continued to think. Tilting her head just alittle to look at Ryder.

"I'm still going to find him Ryder. Everyone tells me to move on, but unless I face him I cant."

Shifting slightly on the couch Thirteen makes herself more comfortable as her head finds Ryder's lap and she snuggles into it.

"Its nice having you around. I like it anyways. You just....I dont know how to describe it, but I like it alot. You make me feel safe, and wanted. Thank you!"

Giving a wave to Carson as she enters Katie puts on the best smile she can. She didnt feel that great, and her emotion's were haywire but she couldnt let it bring anyone else down with her. She had to be the Katie everyone thought she was.

"Hey Carson. Yeah, Sure I guess. The best I can anyways."

Looking to Jason than to the door to see if the others were coming, she looks back to Jason again ready to follow him. Finally breaking off though Katie goes to where they normaly sit and start to push some tables together.

Hey Babe, come help me with these.

Though she had done it a million times this time her finger that had been injored in the Agecny attack gets in the way and is pinched between both tables. Giving a little yelp a curse slips from Katie's lips as she moves the tables and holds her finger a few tears forming in her eyes. The pain that shot through her hand was horrendous, more than it noramly would be. But her hand was still healing and it was tender. Doing her best to block the images that wanted to surface Katie sinks down in one of the chairs still holding her hand.

Back in Texas sometime before nightfall...

Giving Cecilia back to Wendy Angel always places Chase in Clint's arms. She had finished checking both over to see that there health was good, and give them the shots the needed.

Standing back for a moment Angel looks at Her daughter, her son-in-law and her two new grandchildren. There was something behind her eyes that she was not saying, a look that told there was more.

Seeing the way her mother was looking at them Wendy gives a small smile as she rocked Cecilia gentily as the little baby sucked on her fist. Her eyes so brightly looking around the room.

"Mom? Whats wrong? How do they look?"

Giving a small smile Angel lets out a sigh as she shakes her head a little.

"They look beautiful thats how they looks. Just like there mother and father."

Drawing silent again Angel hated the new she had to tell. She new it would hurt, and it wasnt fair but she couldnt keep it from eather of them. They had a right to know it was there child.

Coming over to the bed where Wendy sat, and the chair where Clint was next to her Angel sits on the edge of the bed.

"Clint, Wendy I have something I need to talk to both of you about. It might explain a little bit and than again it might leave alot of holes too."

Angel takes a deep breath and than continues.

"Cecilia has a very rare heart condition. It's much like what Rosetta had but with a child so small the chanses of survivle are slim."

The emotions in Angel's eyes were great. When it came to children it was her weak spot and the fact it was her grandchild made it even worse.

"I can't tell you when it will happen because I don't know. All I can say is enjoy the time you do have with your daughter and thank God for every moment with you. Though this might be a sad time filled with alot of emotions remember you still have another perfecitly health baby boy. I believe God has a special place in heaven for kids like Cecilia all in all she will be better off in the eternal fathers arms."

Hearing what her mother said tears filled Wendy's eyes. Her baby girl would not be with them long and every day could be the last. The emotions that came alot with that hurt alot.

"But, mom cant you do anything? Cant you help her? She looks ok!"

Angel shook her head. She new it was hard to understand and comprehend. It was even hard for her when she had the tests in front of her.

"No Baby, there is nothing I can so. Not with someone so small. And yes on the outside she looks ok but its her heart that is weak. Love her, get to know her, let her brother get to know her and make her happy before she leaves us. Thats all we can do. I'm sorry."

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