

Jen pauses her work and looks to Katie with surprise then sympathy. It was true - everyone had expected her to bounce back. But it was only because Katie was always so strong, and never said anything if something was bothering her. "Oh, Katie..."

She reaches out to put a hand on her arm, but she's already starting to leave. "But, wait, I..." She watches in disappointment as Katie slips away. God, please send her your comfort.

Jen sighs and tries to concentrate on helping her brother with the last of the boxes. Katie had many outward scars now. It wasn't surprising that it bothered her, being out in public. Jen had felt the same way when she'd been in a wheelchair. The good thing was that over time, the scars would grow less and less evident - traces would remain, but she was still beautiful and the scars would diminish. The bad thing was that she had even deeper inner scars... scars that had penetrated her heart and mind... and those took far more work to dissolve.

"Everything okay?" Mike looks at her worried face with concern.

"Hmm? Um, yeah... I mean..." Jen knew Katie didn't want her to say anything. "Yeah, it's fine. Here, help me with this extension cord."

Jason waits for Katie, not saying anything yet. Hearing that she would go to Mom and Pops, he gives a little nod and starts out of the parking lot. "My sugar level is fine," he comments a bit dryly. Maybe it wasn't the whole truth, but he didn't need her worrying over him - not piled on top of everything else.

Pulling out into the street, the ride is quiet. Much quieter than normal. No verbal conversation takes place. No silent conversation takes place. Jason doesn't even turn on the radio. It's just quiet.

Finally getting to the restaurant, Jason parks near the entrance. Waiting a moment, he opens his mouth, then shuts it again. No, telling her now would just ruin the rest of her evening. But she had to know. He'd tell her when he took her home.

Sliding from the truck, he waits for Katie, then goes to the entrance, holding the door open for her.

Carson looks up from the back. There were no other customers there, but he'd planned on the group coming in and Dani had stayed late to help him out. "Hey, Hotshot."

"Hi, Carson." Jason gives a little wave. "The rest of the gang is coming. Just the five of us and Rocky might swing on over to join us too."

"Sounds good. Normal pizza and pop?"

"Pretty sure."

"I'll get on it." Carson waves and smiles to Katie too. "Hey there, Hero. You keeping everyone in line?"

Ryder offers Thirteen a gentle smile and a nod. She wasn't looking for romance tonight, she just wanted some comfort, and he could understand why. Though not knowing about Trent, she was still struggling with the concept of having a father out there who didn't care. That was hard on anyone.

Pulling her up into a strong hug, he just holds her for several minutes. "You'll be alright," he comforts quietly. "Just give yourself time... you'll be alright."

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