
What better

Continuing to smile Hope cheeks turn a slight but of red. She'd never been to a concert before and for a moment she wondered if that meant she was strange or not.

"Well confession I've never been to a Jetstream concert though I have been told they are pretty good. So this will be my friend time and I don't think I will be disappointed."

Looking over at Katie as Scott introduces her Hope holds out her hands and smiles as Katie takes her hand in a strong shake.

"My, I think I would probably be able to pick you out of a crowd. You do look like your Aunt."

Giving a wave to Rocky Hope nods getting to know all of Scott's friends was nice. To put a face with the name was something Hope was happy to do.

Resting her hands on Scott's shoulder for a moment Katie leans into him.

"I'm going to go check everything out ok, you need anything just shout or give me a ring."

Katie smiles at Hope as she pass by.

"It was very nice meeting you."

Giving a nod to Katie Hope turns back to Scott. Color was coming back to his face and though he was still very thin it looked like a little bit of meat was coming back onto him and his eyes wernt as sunken in as much. He was deffintly looking a bit more healthy.

"Nope I didnt come with anyone, and what a better way to have your first consert than front row, and with a friend."

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