

*Misty gives a little jump to Kyle's shout and his pound on the table. She hadent exspected it but she could understand his frustrations just a little. The band was a big part of his life if people saw it or not. Kyle had his voice taken away, his hand taken away, and now playing and the band all togther was being taken away. Misty couldent imagen how it must of felt.

Watching Kyle get up from the table and go out the door Misty's heart wants to scream. She could see both sides of the spectrum. She new Kyle's point, and she new the others point as well.

Glancing around the table Misty excuses herself and heads the way Kyle went exiting out onto the pourch. Coming up along side Kyle Misty just stands for a moment not saying any thing only watching the sunset. Finally Misty reaches out to Kyle and puts an arm around him and slowly turns him twords her wrapping her other around him as well and just draws him close to her as she offers a hug of comfort. Just holding him Misty dosn't say anything. Letting the silence rain for a moment. Finally Misty speaks in a soft tone as she leans her head aganst Kyle, and her arms still wrapped around him.*

"A long time ago my mom use to tell me when I was upset, that I should look to the sunset. She would tell me those ray of light simbalized how easly something could be wonderful one moment and gone the next. She would remind me that I should take in what was good and wonderful and not hate that something like a sunset had to come to an end. Because even if its gone today it will be back tomarrow, and the day after. Even if the colors arnt the same, and the pattern in the sky is differnt. It will still be there and the new pattern and color with have its own reason for being wonderful."

*A small smile forms on Misty's lips as she remembers her mothers words when she was young. Her mom was so smart and she had never tired of hearing her talk and her ideas on things, and life.*

"Don't let the sun go down on your anger Kyle, because you never know when there just might not be a tomarrow. Even if you don't agree with what they said. They love you in there, and they only want to protect you. You can't be upset with them for that right?"

*Pulling away from Kyle a little Misty smiles up at him and runs a hand through his hair.*

*As Rick checks over Jess she holds herself stiff. Her eyes only moved every once and a while from the wall to Carson as if making sure he was still close by.

Rick seemed from what Jess could tell kind and gentil. Taking great care in how he handled her. Finally Jess lets herself relax just alittle bit as the atmisphere becomes a little more friendly.

Just snaps her head to Wyatt fast as he starts to talk about pressing charges. Did she really want to do that now?*

"I...I'm not so sure I should press charges anymore. I mean....Peter might get more upset with me and just some of his other goons after me or something...and...maybe its just better off if...if I just let things go."

*Jamie gives a little shake of her head as she pushes herself off the counter and sits down in one of the chairs. Folding her hands in front of her she looks at Jess. Her face kind and soft.*

"Jess, you dont have to press charges but I think its in your best intrest if you do. This wont stop on its own. This guy knows he can out power you now, and if he comes back its just going to happen over and over again. Who knows if one of these times he kills you. I know you don't want that and we certinly dont want that eather."

*Jamie lets out a sigh and she looks up at Wyatt and than back to Jess. She felt so bad for her, and she felt so despret to not let this happen again to her.*

"If you do press charges we have some of the finest body guards here who will look out for you for a while, and we also have a wonderful Lawyer who will help put this guy behind bars and if any of his guys come after you she will put them there too. You don't have anything to fear. We are here to help and will make sure you looked after."

*Jess searches Jamie's eyes for a moment and finds the sensarity she is looking for. Knowing Jamie was telling the truth. Though she was a bit puzzled why would someone go to all this trouble. Law informent or not, Jess never met anyone who would even life a finger to help her before. Seeing Carson's nod she feels a bit reasured.*

"O....ok. I want to than."

*Jamie gives a small nod and than nods to Wyatt letting him know that he should get the paperwork and what not together.*

*At Ricks last statment Jess becomes a little uncomfortable. She dident like the feeling, and thinking about it made her sick. She felt embarssed and just plane low. Looking to Jamie Jess eyes portray what she is feeling about the situation.*

*Jamie gives an understanding nod to Jess and a soft smile once again.*

"If you feel more comfortable just talking to me you can and than I can relay it to them. Or we have a female Dr. you can talk to as well. Its whatever make you more comfortable."

*Jess looks down at her hands for a moment not saying much of anything before looking up again.*

"I'd like to just talk to you."

*Jamie stands.*

"Ok thats not a problem."

*Once the three guys leave the room Jamie brings her chair a little but closer to Jess to listen to what she has to say.*

~*~About 15-20 minutes later~*~

*Moment pass and finally Jamie exits the infermary for where the three men were waiting outside. She has a look of her own pain on her face. She felt bad for Jess and wish she could help more. But the only thing she could do was help but this guy away that would do this to her. Walking over to them Jamie lets out a sigh.*

"Well..It seems not only did this guy hurt her pysicaly he did emotionaly as well, and to add icing to the cake he took advantage of her too. From why Jess said thats why the whole thing started. She dident want anything to do with him anymore, and well....he dident like that. "

*Jamie runs a weary hand over her face letting out a tired sigh. What a case this was. Many emotions were involved on this on for more than one reason.*

"You going to want to probley check her over, and get what you can to Angelica. I'm not sure all she needs your going to want to have to talk to her about this, but I gave that woman my word in there that this guy would be put behind bars for a long time. We can all go back in now, she's given her ok. Just move slowly, I'm not a Dr. but it seems like she is still in shock and pretty skidish. Which is understand able."

*Jamie turns her attachen to Carson for a moment.*

"I don't know how long you can stay today away from work, but if you can stay for a while longer I think it would be good. Jess needs someone she knows and can trust right about now more than anything. She needs to feel sacure, and protected. Along with the physical pain she is going through alot of mentil pain as well, and thats not something easly cured like a cut or a scrap. That takes much longer. Specialy when its not all that grand to start with. I'd say that girl in there had it pretty hard to begin with, and than this added to it...shesh."

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