

Kyle can hear someone exiting the house, and as Misty draws near, he knows it's her. Feeling her arms as she embraces him, he can't help but give in to it, accepting the comfort rather than resisting. He wasn't too big to admit that right now, a hug felt good.

He puts his good arm around her too, just resting his head against hers.

Her words hit home. He knows she's right. Not only did it just plain make sense, but it was Biblical, and he certainly hadn't acted very Christian-like a few minutes ago.

Kyle closes his eyes as Misty runs her fingers through her hair. Every moment he spent with her, he enjoyed her presence more.

Finally he opens his eyes to look at her, and gives a little nod. "I'm sorry," he whispers.

Scott glances to Katie, to the guys and back again, not knowing what was going to happen now. He knew that it was not like Kyle to have an outburst like that, even if the situation was tough. It was evident that this whole thing had hit him a little harder than maybe they'd thought.

Jason swallows hard , upset by Kyle's reaction. He looks across the table to Katie, searching her eyes. He felt distressed...upset...frustrated and confused. Everything compacted together, each level of emotions creating a readable pattern. I didn't want this to happen...I just don't understand. I want to fix it and I don't know how.

A tear rolls down Jen's cheek, sensitive to her brother's feelings. Phil starts to rise from his chair, but Jen stops him. "No...see if Misty can bring him back around."

Phil sighs and eases back down, rubbing a hand over his face. "I thought our decision made sense."

"It does," Mike agrees. "At least until we get this thing figured out."

Kyle takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, eventually letting his arm drop from Misty. The look in his eye is one of sadness, the flame of spark still there, but dim and so small. He knew he'd have to show the others what was really going on. He knew he'd have to explain to Jason. The worst part of it would be seeing Misty realize it.

Nodding to the door, Kyle lets Misty go first, and slowly follows back inside.

Everyone looks up expectantly and relieved to see Kyle back. While the others stay seated, Kyle remains standing, just leaning an arm on the back of his chair. "Sorry guys," he hoarsely manages.

Phil gives his arm a nudge. "It's alright."

Kyle shakes his head. His throat hurt and he knew he shouldn't be talking any more, but there was no way he could write all this down or gesture everything. "No...it's not."

Jason sighs, leaning back in his chair. "It's just temporary, Kyle. I'm sorry that you've gotten dragged into this. I don't know what the Agency's goal is...the only thing I can come up with is that they're trying to get to me by hurting you, and for that, I feel terrible."

Kyle looks to Jason, his eyes filled with emotions. Glancing to Misty, his eyes apologize to her. Turning back to Jason, he shakes his head again. "It's not you, Jase...it's me."

Jason's confusion intensifies. "What do you mean?"

"Don't you see?" Kyle tries to ignore the pain of speaking. "My voice...my hand...it's a direct hit to me."

"But why? You have nothing to do with them."

"They're punishing me...for being around someone they hate."

Jason still doesn't understand. He looks to Katie then back to Kyle. "But they've never punished you before for being around Katie or me. Why now?"

Kyle looks down for a moment, closing his eyes. Gritting his teeth, he finally looks up again. "But I never dated you, now did I?"

Jason furrows his brow, his mind trying to get what Kyle was saying. Suddenly his eyes widen and stray to Misty. "Misty...?"

Phil's eyebrows shoot up and Jen's mouth drops slightly. They look to Kyle for an explanation, though it's obvious now.

Kyle glances to Misty with further apology before answering Jason. "Yeah. And that has to be the answer..."

Phil continues to look between Kyle and Misty. "You two...why didn't..."

Kyle's eyes narrow slightly. "No one's business?" He tries to bring the conversation back on track. "Look...the Agency isn't going to give up. They're going to pick me apart until I break. I can't let them win...if we cancel our concerts, they're getting exactly what they want."

Rick nods slowly to all that Jamie was saying, the sadness showing in his eyes. Dealing with these cases never got any easier. "Thank you, Jamie. I appreciate all your help. I wish Misty was here...Jess might feel better about more examinations, but we need to get this done and over with before we lose evidence."

He sighs deeply. "If Peter did all that to her, then we definitely have a case. He took advantage of her and assaulted her. But we need proof of DNA. Jess isn't going to like it, so I want you there again to help her through it. On top of that, it might be good just to have her stay here the night."

Carson purses his lips at Jamie's suggestion of him staying. "I can stay...Herb will let me for something like this. Just I..." He thinks about his surroundings and how awkward it felt to be here. But he couldn't think about himself right now. "Yeah...I'll see if Jess wants me."

The group goes back into the infirmary, though Wyatt breaks off from them to go report to Reese.

Carson approaches Jess slowly, offering her a comforting smile. "Hey you...you doing okay?" He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

Rick is alongside him, being as gentle as possible. "Jess...I need to do a little bit more so we have some evidence about what happened...then we'd like it if you stayed here the night. I'll be here all night, and there's a nice little room right down the hall where you can get some good rest. Would you do that?"

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