
Better than the cell

As the discussion around the table goes on, ideas are tossed about, shot down, picked up, twisted around and laid flat. Each time they come back to the same idea they’d started out with – if Cryptic would help them this weekend, they’d proceed with the show and up the security all the way around. If Cryptic couldn’t help, they would postpone shows until Kyle could play well enough again, and at that time, the security would also be tight.

By the time the decisions have been made, it's already getting late into the evening. Phil had already called in to work to be able to stay and sort things out, and minds were growing weary. Kyle was getting exhausted, the last couple days catching up to him fast.

The evening is a chilly one, but the air feels nice after being in the stuffy house. Everyone has filed out onto the back deck, prepping to leave for the night.

Scott slings his arm around Katie, leaning in close to her ear. "Stop for ice cream on the way back to town? Then you can go to Jen's."

Phil waves his goodnight to everyone and heads for his truck to take Jen home and go home himself, while Kyle said he'd ride back with Misty. Once Phil got back to town, he'd also inform their parents about what was happening, so when Katie arrived, they would know what was going on.

Heading for Misty's car, Kyle finally slows down a bit, not having let his weariness show too much before this point. His head was spinning, hurting, his stomach was upset, and his hand wouldn't stop throbbing. But he pastes a smile on his face anyway, not wanting the ride back to be a dismal one.

Sliding into the passenger seat, he points a finger towards home, aiming it with a squint and a click of his tongue.

Jason ambles off the porch, the last to leave. Leaning on one crutch, he watches the other taillights disappear out of sight. It was nights like these that he felt alone. Goodnight, Katie.

"Wanna jam for a while?"

Jason turns back around to Mike, a small smile forming. "Sure...why not."

Carson cocks his head and looks at Jess, knowing that she was just searching for some way to stop the pain. He knew how she felt to a certain degree and it wasn't fun.

Giving in, he slowly approaches and eases down on the bed next to her, leaning back against the wall. "At least you're not in the holding cell," he muses. "It's not as cozy as this." He stops himself, realizing that he'd just opened the floodgates to too many of his own memories. Like a photo album being flipped through at fast pace, he remembers when he first came here, and the time spent with Misty. For a while, she'd been the only one who cared...and she never had been afraid of him, even when he'd tried to scare her away.

Carson shakes his head a little, clearing his mind. Seeing Jess hunched over with her arms around herself, he can't help the sympathy that insists on sticking around. He'd screwed up in so many ways...so many times he hadn't helped those who were hurting, or had caused that hurt himself.

Slowly he sits back up and slides a little closer, careful not to startle or scare Jess away. He didn't want his actions to be threatening or suggestive in any way, but rather he wanted to be a shelter. In a way, he missed being able to hold someone close and know that they felt safe in his arms. Reaching over gently, he puts an arm around Jess' shoulder, giving her a little squeeze. "It's going to be okay," he whispers. "You're going to be okay..." He knows his actions and words are an invitation for her to cry on his shoulder if she needs to, and he doesn't mind. "I'm here for as long as you need me."

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