

Bret's heart begins to race as he feels Charlotte's hand on his shoulder. A moment ago he'd been playing, full of humor, but suddenly everything had turned around.

Swallowing hard, the water drips down from his hair and runs down the side of his face. He blinks and continues to stare into Charlotte's eyes.

The moment was too perfect. Leaning closer, Bret's hand makes its way around Charlotte's back to pull her to him, feeling her against his chest. Cocking his head, his lips brush hers for a moment before he pauses, then returns for a passionate kiss.

As Rosetta's words are spoken, Mick's gaze only intensifies with the moment, never letting go of one word, never blinking to miss anything.

His hands gently grasp hers as the minister concludes the ceremony. And finally, those long awaited words.

"I now pronounce you man and wife.... You may kiss the bride."

Mick's smile widens as he moves in closer to Rosetta. Removing his hat, he tilts his head, pressing his lips to hers in the kiss that sealed their love. Their journey had just begun.

Suddenly a cheer breaks out in the back, starting an onslaught of claps, whistles and more cheers. Mick starts to laugh even though he's kissing Rosetta, and he puts his hat up in front of them to hide their exchange.

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