
All Dressed

Bret’s own shoes and socks are off as he tests the water, but he raises his eyebrows, taken just a little by surprise as Charlotte actually takes a swim. Cocking his head, he just watches her though, a smile creasing his lips. The carefree nature…the sense of wonder in the little things…it was contagious.

He shakes his head and stands up on the large rock, puts his hands on his hips. “The water may feel different here, but you realize that you’re sopping wet and going to be sitting in my car?”

Sighing, he shrugs. “Oh well. Might as well even things out.”

Bret has no idea why even decides to do what he does. Perhaps it’s simply that there was no decision…there was only impulsiveness that drove him to act on pure instinct toward the adventure of the moment.

Spinning around, he lets himself fall backward into the clear cool water, creating a great splash that ripples the water out to the edges. Disappearing in the deep blueness, he doesn’t come up right away, almost a full minute passing. But suddenly he emerges behind Charlotte, spitting out a stream of water through his teeth that hits her in the back of the head.

“Don’t look now, but you got a bogey at six o’clock.”

Scott leans against the outside of the barn, trying to recover from his allergy attack, finally rid of the kitten.

“Hey, you alright?”

Scott squints to see Clint coming toward him. “Yeah, I will be.” He rolls his eyes. “Soon as I get the scent of cat out of my nose.”

Clint laughs. “Ah, so that’s it.” He’s finally dressed in his good shoes, khakis and blue dress shirt, though his tie is still undone, hanging loosely around his neck. “I bet Angel’s got some allergy meds if you need ‘em.”

“Nah, I should be okay.” Scott shakes his head. “I need to start getting myself ready anyway.”

“The far bunk has been claimed by all the guys…go for it.”

Mick keeps his eyes covered, though a smile breaks through. “Sorry, sorry. And I tripped, what can I say.”

“Oh, you did not.” Mel gives his arm a slap. “Just get yourself out of here, and for pete’s sake, clean up.”

“Sure, I see how you are. Poor guy comes in here looking like he’s been stampeded over, and all you can do is kick him out. Don’t even offer him a bandage.”

“Out!” Mel raises her voice, pointing to the door. “Out, out, out!”

Mick obeys, calling over his shoulder. “I’d blow you a kiss, darling, but with my eyes closed, I’m afraid it would land on the wrong person.”

“Out!!!” Mel gives him a shove, finally shutting the door. Once he’s out though, she can’t help but start to laugh, covering her mouth with a hand. “Oh, Rosetta, that was priceless…” She can’t stop her giggling. “I can’t believe he did that. Did you see the look on his face?!”

Jay breaks into a smile as he sees Katie, and catches her embrace, hugging her back tightly. “Mmm, it’s good to see you, Katie.” Drawing back, he looks her all over, pride showing in his eyes. “You look so good.”

Giving a contented sigh, he glances at his watch. “I better find a place to change, and I’m sure you’re quite the busy beaver helping out Rosetta.”

Everyone wraps up all the tasks that they’ve been assigned to and begins to scatter, all getting cleaned up and dressed, the clocks ever watched.

Con exits the bunk, scanning the surroundings for Jamie. He’d parted with her about an hour earlier to get ready, and he knew everyone would be gathering out back, so he wanders in that direction. In his dress pants and gray button down shirt that he usually only wore on Sunday mornings, he walks slowly, his arm still in a sling.

Scott emerges soon after, his hair lightly gelled, his cologne fresh, and wearing his black dress pants, and white collard shirt tucked in. Still a bit of out place, he looks around, not really expecting to see Katie yet, but still on the lookout.

As he nears the back yard where everything is set up, he sees people already getting settled into the chairs to wait, and the minister is around as well, mingling with the others.


His eyes widen and he turns, surprised to see Becky. She was in a pretty pink dress with her hair all done up nicely, her fresh makeup giving her face a soft glow. “When you were here last time, I saw you walking around with a camera. Are you any good?”

Scott holds his surprised look. “Um…well…some people would say so.”

“Do you like taking pictures?”


“Good.” Becky waves to Jim who is nearby. “Over here!”

Jim comes up, dressed in his good suit and tie. “Ohh, Scott.” He has two good cameras in his hands. “You wouldn’t want a job, would you?”

Scott quirks an eyebrow. “I get the feeling you need a photographer.”

Jim elbows Becky. “We must have dropped good enough hints.”

Scott laughs. “Well as long as you don’t mind an amateur, I’m game.”

“Ohhhh, thank you, thank you.” Becky smiles gratefully. “We lost our photographer and have been looking all day. One of the other guys would have ended up with the camera, but I was hoping to find someone who actually had an eye.”

“I’m not sure I’ve got an eye, but…”

“Not what I heard,” Jim interrupts. “Con says you’re good.”

Scott’s face reddens slightly, and he reaches for the cameras, changing the subject. “Nice cameras.”

“They’re not bad.”

“Alright.” Scott slings one over his neck, and keeps the other in his hand. “I guess I’m your man then.” Following Jim and Becky around back, he scans the area, zeroing in on good vantage points for pictures.

By the time half the group has gathered, Scott’s sleeves are already rolled up and he’s stealing shots of faces and emotions before the wedding begins.

Mick sets his foot up on the chair, bending over to polish it until it shines to match the other one.

“You going to your funeral, or wedding?” Sparky teases.

Mick looks down at his good black jeans and black dress shirt, tucked in to leave his western belt buckle showing. “What?”

“Kidding.” Sparky rolls his eyes as he dons his suit. “Though usually the groom looks better than the groomsmen.”

Mick gives his brother a wry grin. “I think Rosetta would still pick me, don’t you?”

Sparky shakes his head, but laughs. “Alright. Fine.”

Mick straightens up and takes his good black hat out of the closet, removing it from its plastic and brushing off just as little dust. The silver band shone in the light, topping off his clothing for the ceremony. Looking in the mirror, he puts his hat on straight and aims for the door. “See you out back,” he calls over his shoulder.

Making his way outside, he glances around at all the people, and waves to several he hasn’t seen yet. He ambles to the back yard and around the area with the chairs, greeting the minister with a handshake.

Reese wanders into the back, his hands in his pockets, striding slowly towards Austin and a few other people he knows. His gray suit is clean and sharp, a contrast to his normal casual attire at work. His eyes roam the yard, despite his conversation, looking for Lockheart, and hoping she made out alright with the other women today.

Luke sits near the front row, having been one of the first changed so he could be helped out here. He leans his hands on his cane, having given in to that, though wasn't thrilled with having to use it. He hadn't really felt like getting dressed up either, but had forced himself, choosing his dress pants and light green button down shirt. Tossing comments back and forth with Jeff kept his mind occupied while he waited for everyone else to show up.

“My, don’t we look handsome?!”

Jason’s face reddens just slightly at Camryn’s compliment. He was simply dressed in black jeans and a bright blue collard shirt with the top buttons left undone. He’d chosen his black cowboy boots over his other shoes for today, proving his ability to blend in out of the city.

He cock his head at Camryn’s purple dress with spaghetti straps and knee-length skirt. High heels were her choice of footwear, and a dainty silver necklace accented her neck. “You don’t look half bad yourself.”

Camryn rolls her eyes a little. “Well, I guess that’s as good a compliment I’m going to get.” Instead of waiting forever for an invitation, she takes Jason’s arm herself, linking his with her own. “They’re all gathering out back,” she informs. “Let’s go find some seats.”

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