

Bret can’t help his laughter at Charlotte’s antics. Unsure why, but not really caring, he feels like a kid again – something he’s not felt for a long while. It’s ridiculous that they’re both swimming in their clothes, but for some reason, neither really think anything of it.

Getting close to Charlotte, then dodging her combative jabs or splashes, he plays along, simply enjoying the cool water in the heat of the day and just letting himself loose. Wanting more freedom of movement in the water, he sheds his t-shirt and slings it up on a rock to start drying.

At Charlotte’s fiend wails, Bret grins and goes underwater again. It’s several moments that the pool is quiet, as he seems to have disappeared. But suddenly a dark form comes up from below, rising slowly until his head comes up directly under the showering waterfall.

His wry grin showing, he moves closer to the back just inside the waterfall and inches from Charlotte. “Mmm, you better shout a little louder…I don’t see your knight anywhere.” His feet barely touch the bottom, just allowing his head above water, and he moves even closer to her, his eyes narrowing. “Or have you changed your mind about being rescued?”

Con smiles down at Jamie as she joins him. “You look better,” he responds with a wink. Finding two seats together, they sit down and wait.

Scott is fooling with one of the cameras when Katie comes around, and he stops, a grin spreading on his face. Returning the kiss, he chuckles. “I’ll fend them all off,” he teases. “And the rest of the time I’ll be fending the guys off of you.”

He pauses, quirking an eyebrow. “Has anyone told you lately that you’re drop dead gorgeous?”

Finally setting into some seats, Scott sits with Katie part of the time, and part of the time eases to the sidelines or closer to the front to take pictures.

Reese can feel just a little bit of heat creeping up the back of his neck, but covers with a smile. “You look very nice yourself, Angelica.” He offers her his arm, and gestures to the row of seats. “Shall we?”

Cindy glows with the attention from Wes, and settles in next to him, her hand in his. She was so very excited for Rosetta, and was thoroughly enjoying this day. Seeing her son nearby was icing on the cake.

As the music starts and people start to make their way slowly down the aisle, a hush comes over the yard. Con winks at BJ as he passes, giving him a thumbs up, grinning at the young boy.

Jeff waits in the back with Rosetta, and gives her hand a squeeze, winking at her with a brotherly affection he didn’t always show. “You’re beautiful, Rosetta,” he compliments quietly. “I’m proud of you.”

Mick waits at the front, his eyes glued to the back, his concentration only on his bride. A figure of calmness, he stands as she approaches, a slight smile on his lips, the love and reassurance shining in his eyes. He doesn’t care about the watching eyes, the music playing, or whether he’s standing in the right place or not. Nothing else matters, but what he and Rosetta are here for, and nothing can break his joy in this moment.

As they stand together, Mick gently reaches out to take Rosetta’s hands in his, his eyes never leaving hers. This was there time…their moment.

The minister speaks, the brief message of love and devotion falling onto all ears, and bringing the reality of marriage to life. And as the ceremony continues, a hush falls, allowing Mick and Rosetta time to simply stand together as a song is sung.

Sparky quietly strums on his guitar from the side, growing just a little louder with the chords. And as he begins to sing, everyone listens to the words. Smiles and tears both decorate the faces. To just a few, the style of music and rhythm would be familiar, recognized as written by one they knew. To others, it was simply a song of love.

Oh it seems like just yesterday,
We met for the first time.
Oh it seems like just yesterday,
We were dancing in our youth.

Time slips by…
And time don’t try…
But time can’t win…
Babe, we made it out alive.

You came into my world,
You stole my heart away.
You took my broken world,
And picked it up again.
Anything, that I could do,
I want to do with you.
Anywhere that I could go,
I want to go with you.

‘Cause you are mine…forever.

Oh it seems like just yesterday,
We had our first fight.
Oh it seems like just yesterday,
We both ran away.

But time slips by…
And time don’t lie…
But time can’t win…
Babe, we made it out alive.

You came into my world,
You stole my heart away.
You took my broken world,
And picked it up again.

Anything that I could do,
I want to do with you.
Anywhere that I could go,
I want to go with you.

‘Cause you are mine…forever.

Yesterday is gone now.
Yesterday is through.
Our life is full of yesterdays,
Oh, but today, I got you.

Anything that I could do,
I want to do with you.
Anywhere that I could go,
I want to go with you.

‘Cause now you’re mine…
And I am yours…

Mick’s fingers tighten around Rosetta’s the love in his eyes growing. He was standing on the brink of forever and ready to fly.

As the minister proceeds with the ceremony, all eyes fall to Mick, awaiting the vows prepared only for the one with him now…words from his heart…words from his soul.

His eyes lock with Rosetta’s, his voice never wavering. “Rosetta…I love you with all my heart. We’ve been torn apart by circumstance, torn apart by time and torn apart by distance. But in the end, my heart belongs to you, and today I give all of myself to you.

I promise to never let that love die. I promise to stay with you through all circumstances, easy or hard, by your side as your husband from this day forward. I promise to be faithful to you. I promise to take care of you to the best of my abilities. I promise to uphold our marriage as our unbreakable bond in the sight of God who has given us each other.

A smile crease his lips. “And I reckon all these promises remain ‘till death do us part.”

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