
Rosetta Henson...AHHHHH

*As Bret draws Charlotte close to him her eyes never leave his eyes. For this moment everything seemed to perfect. As Bret's lips touch her softly once her pulse starts to race as all in time and space stops. As Bret pulls away the first time Charlotte eyes stay locked on his again. She softly whispers.*

"What matters in life is not the amount of breaths you make, it's the moments that take your breath away."

*As Bret pulls her in for another kiss Charlotte's arm makes its way about Bret's back at the other on finds its way to the back of his head. Holding him close soaking in his kiss like a sponge and returning it with a passion of her own.*

*Rosetta smile is big, and her feeling are deep. The long awaited moment, the words she waiting to hear for so long said. Like a story her life was unfolding, and the end of this chapter had come. Only to quickly start a new chapter of beginning of a new life again. Not alone but together with her bestfriend, the love of her life her husband.

Rosetta kiss Mick back bringing her arms around him proving how happy she was.

As Rosetta hears the crowd and than see Mick hit go over them she cant help but have her smile grow even more. Being Mick's wife now was the greatest feeling, this kiss, the one that showed there love, and put a stamp on the marrige was an amazing thought, And knowing her friends, and family had been there to witness it was even better. Finally Rosetta knows they cant stay up there forever and ending there kiss she searches his eyes, her own full of joy and love.* Giving a soft whisper Rosetta states.*

"I love you."

*As Jamie watches on Her hand finding Con's. A few tears of joy run down her own cheek. As she watches Mick and Rosetta head back down the isle.

Jamie had been told the story of Mick and Rosetta's life the last time she was here. She had shaired with her new friend the moments of happyness and the moments of sadness. They had been though so much and Jamie was sure she only new the half of it, but she could tell by the look in Rosetta's eyes the love that burned for one person always and now, finally after all these year God had finally let them become one. Jamie hadent know Rosetta and Mick for long but she was happy and filled with such a great amount of happyness for her it was hard to contain.

Looking up at Con Jamie smiles and streches up to give him a kiss. The emotion and feeling from the wedding pouring over into her.*

*Angel leans into Luke as she watches her two best friends walk back down the isle together now man and wife. It made her heart jump and dance with joy to see them so happy. Looking up at Luke she smiles so many emotions ran through everyone being able to shair this wonderful moment.*

*Lockheart stands with Reese a smile on her face as she claps for the new couple. Even a few unseen tears roll down her face. Sometimes joy and happyness was just to hard to contain. Lockheart was happy she came, she was happy to be there with Reese as she started feeling new emotions that had layed doorment for so long. It was a nice feeling, and though still feeling alittle akward. Lockheart only hoped it was grow easyer as time passed.*

*Finally the people start to file from where the wedding was held. Some hanging back to talk with other while other started helping get food out to the barn and put some of the finishing touchs on. Each finding who the came with or who there date was. Talking mingaling with other outside enjoying the air before heading into the barn for the reception.*

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