
Almost Time

*Misty firry eyes shine in the moment, basking in Carson's comment about it being her day and about the grilled cheese. Geting Carson up and moving alittle would be good for him and it was a nice day outside anyways.*

"Ok, we are going to go to Lunch than, movies, and than home on your request for grilled cheese. And if we decied to do anything inbetween that we will."

*Misty stands and holds her hand out to Carson to help him up before heading out the door.*

*The sun was hot pounds down at Charlotte as they reach the water fall. The light misty hiting Charlotte's face and arms felt good. As Bret shakes the water from his hair and it sprays on Carlotte she lifts her hands up trying to stop it from landing on her. Leting out a laugh that was almost a harmonic sound.*

"Hey, watch it."

*Charlotte cant help but grin. So far everything about this day was great. It was nice having someone to spend time with. Steping up next to Bret Charlotte over looks the view with Bret. Her breath almost geting caught in her throt. The view was amazing. The way the light glicened off the land, and the shadows streched as if reaching out. Charlotte had never seen something more prettyer than this.

Steping away from the ledge Charlotte returns to her back and gets her water taking a drink as the heat continues to make its presence know. Standing again she streches and looks back at the pool of water geting a grin acorss her face. Siting down on a large bolder Charlotte takes her showes and socks off. Rolling up her pants she sands going over to the waters edge. Steping her one foot in she pulls it out quickly gives a shiver. Looking back to Bret she grins.*

"Your right that is cold."

*Turning back to the water Charlotte sticks her foot back in along with the other. Standing almost lifeless for a moment She breaths again regaining feeling in her legs as they start to get use to the water. As she leans down to run her hand through the water and splash some on her face her pant leg unrolls and falls down landing in the water causing it to soak it up like a spunge. Leting out a grone her looks to Bret again her grin growing alittle showing she really dident mind like her words said.*

"Oh man...so much for trying to keep my clothing dry. Oh well Tal es la vida!"

*Charlotte jumps forward diving into the water submerging herself. After a few moments coming up farther out in the water.*

"Its not quiet as bad when you do your whole body as once."

*Leaning back She enjoys the cool water on her skin from the hot day. Looking up at the sky she just rests watching the clouds as she floated ontop of the water. Leting her mind wonder. The clear waters washing over her offering the cool chrisp feeling to her. So much passed through her mind as she felt calm and relaxed. It wasent often she went some where this deserted with a person but something about Bret was nice. Maybe this is what Angeal was talkign about oh so long ago before he died. Charlotte remebers his words like they were yesterday. "When you know something is right Baby Sis you'll feel it and dont resist, but when you know something is wrong and you feel it dont be scaired to backdown." Finally she leans back up looking at Bret as she treds in place. She cirtently dident feel wrong for being here with Bret at the moment. She enjoyed his company and the say he talked.*

"Its amazing, one would think all the water felt the same, but this water here, it just feels so clean, just come run your hand through it."

*Charlotte smiles up at Bret from the water, the light from the san dancing on the top, the water almost unmoving except for the little ripples Charlotte gave off from moving a bit.*

*Bj smiles looking up at Con taking his good hand in one of his, his fingers geting lost in Con's and his other hand taking Jamies.*

"Ya, wets go."

*As Mick enters the house Rosetta almost screams seeing him. Half being shock and half not wanting her to see him.*


*Than seeing his hand over his eyes she shakes her head.*

"What are you doing? I though your clothing was in the bunk. AND WHAT on earth happend to you."

*Rosetta goes to stand and go to him when Katie pushes her back down.*

"Oh no you dont. Your in white your not going near him when he looks like that."

*Rosetta looks to her neace and shakes her head, giving alittle laugh and not moving till Mick was gone again.

Hearing a car Katie stands and looks out the window to be saprised to see her father.*

"I'll be right back."

*Katie heads out of the house and takes a few steps twords Jay before breaking out into a run throwing her arms around him huging him tight. She was happy to see him, she was happy he was there.*

"DAD....You made it!!"

*The next few hours fly by as everyone get ready and the finishing touches are being made. Food is coming in and out of the kitchen going to the barn to get ready, hair is being done, ties tied, shirts tucked in, dress being zipped. The Chaos slowed but new chaos started as the excitment grew and the time came near.*

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