
Still Time

*Charlotte takes in the sights not minding there wernt many buildings or cars. Seeing he open planes, and the moutains in the distince was enough for her. Taking a sip of her pop she lets the fresh air blow through her hair, feeling the nice breeze on her hot face.

As they pull onto the side of the road Charlotte studys the sign for a long moment. Puting the top back on the drink Charlotte puts the bottle down. Taking the coin from from Bret once again she sends it flying in the air only to be caught and slaped down in her other hand. Before removing it though she looks at Bret and smerks slowly looking down uncovering the coin and finally looking down revealing it to be tails. Looking up and she grins again.*

"Looks like we are going on alittle hike. I guess its good I decied to bring my bag after all with some stuff in it. Like sneakers, and a bandana."

*Charlotte's excitment grew. So far the ride, company, and chating had been a blast to set the mood proving today was going to be a great day leting her grin grow on her face as her eyes catch Brets.*

"I dont know about you but I am starting to like chance and fate, more and more by the minute."

*Charlotte holds up the coin between her two fingers for Bret to take back.*

*Misty continues to cradle Carson's head on her lap. Her hand continuing to run through Carson's hair, than along his forhead, and side of his face. Her fingers running sloftly on his skin taking great care as they go over his cuts and bruses. Her other hand staying interlocked him his, clinging to them as if scaired to let go for they might be lost forever. Closing her eyes for a moment Misty gets lost in though. Thinking, wondering, hoping, trying to push those red flags from her mind. Finally opening her eyes as she feels him wince shattering her thoughts Misty looks down at Carson. Her eyes filled with the emotions she felt, the emotions that showed proof to her words. *

"I'm still here Carson. You havent lost me and I dont plane on going anywhere. I care to much about you to just say goodbye."

*BJ looks up at Con.*

"Yes you did..."

*and for a moment the small boys eyes grow dark for a moment. He was little and he was young but his memorie was good. BJ was far smarter than a normal child his age, and sometimes it showed more than other. BJ remembered one person he remembered well that he has spend much time with that never did come back.*

"...but dhat dosent always mean you will. Shank you for keeping you word."

*BJ gives Jamie and Con a hug again a little extra tight this time. Finally pulling away his eyes light up again and a smile on his face. Pointing to Con's arm that was in the sling he asks.*

"What happend? Did Jamie wrestil you wifh out me to protect you and you dot hurt on mistake?"

*Jamie cant help but laugh as she ruffles the little boys hair.*

"Hey watch it there little man, or I am gonna to tickle you to death."

*Jamie bends down to knee level and wiggles her fingers at BJ till the meet his sides.

BJ lets out squeels of laughter.*

*Wes gives a nod to Camryn.*

"Like wise."

*But had no time to say more as Mel pulls him aside. Hearing the news about Mick his eyes grow wide as he keeps his voice low.*

"You have got to be kidding me. Now...at a time like this.."

*Wes brings a hand to his head for a moment thinking. What would happen if something horrable happend to Mick. Rosetta would be crushed. This was not ment to happen on a wedding day. Wes new, and prayed though that it was nothing, it had to be nothing. Rosetta and Mick had gone through so much, and waited so long for this it had to work out. Looking back at Mel he gives a sigh.*

"Ok..I'll go take a count of who we have here and who we are still waiting for. Can you check on Rosetta for me? Make sure she isent having normal geting married day freakouts. We have time to find Mick. I am sure everything is going to be ok. And if you hear anything alse let me know."

*Wes heads out of the shop and disapears trying to take a count of who they had, greeting others along the way.*

*Wendy gives a playful elbow to Clint as she smiles at Camryn.*

"Yeah I hold my own pretty well."

*Wendy thinks for a moment about everything that still needed to be done on her own list she had wrote up of stuff to do.*

"Actully, I do have something I could use some help with. I need to finish puting up some of the table decarations if you want to help me do that. It will give me alittle bit of comapny to"

*Wendy looks back at Clint a smile playing on her lips.*

"..And you get dressed all ready."

*The next truck to pull in and park behind Adam's was Damiens. For a long moment he just sits in the truck feeling a bit akward by beng here. He dident feel it was his place, but was honnered to have been welcomed anywas. Finally gives alittle sigh Damien's steps out. Mick and Rosetta were going to be adopting his son, that in its self was an honer to him. To keep the little boy in the family, and to know at least he could see his son when he wanted and get to know him. It would be good to see Wendy again as well. Slowly he was geting to know his daughter too. It still felt stange at times but not nearly as bad as it use to be. Not to mention Annie had invite him to be her date. It made Damien feel good to be wanted, and to know he had come a long way.

Annie smile as she see the truck enter the lot. Walking over to Damien she smiles.*

"You made it."

*Damien smiles back taking Annie's hand in his and walking with her twords the tent and group of people.*

"I wouldent miss it for anything."

*Angel cant help but laugh as she sits with Luke. His arms wrapped around her felt nice. Looking up at Jeff Angel shakes her head.*

"Sorry Jeff, I cant help you on that one. He has a mind of his own and I rather think its kind of funny watchign you."

*Angel sticks her toung out at Jeff and laughs.*

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