

Bret eyes what Charlotte bought with approval and starts up the car again, pulling back onto the road. He looks at her with surprise. “What are you asking me for? I don’t have a clue where we’re going.”

Tossing her a sly grin, he steers north again, letting the open windows be their air conditioner. After a while he has her break out some of the food and pop. The road he chose has little stops and seems deserted for the most part with rarely another car in sight.

Finally a sign comes into view and Bret pulls off onto the gravel shoulder, staring up at it. “Alright, copilot, we got some choices now. Heads we go right and visit that aquarium and see some sharks and dolphins. Tails we go left and hike up the trail to Sparkling Falls for the view.”

He hands Charlotte a quarter. “Let chance have its way, mademoiselle.”

Carson was planning on getting up and trying to forget about how miserable he was feeling, but as Misty sits and cradles his head, running her fingers through his hair, he gives in to just lying still for a while longer. His eyes drift shut, her touch so soothing.

He reaches up slowly, taking her hand that’s resting on his chest, and interlocking her fingers with his. “I feel like I’m losing everything, Misty,” he whispers. “And I don’t know how to stop it.”

He starts to take in a breath to sigh deeply, but stops suddenly as he’s reminded of the break in his ribs. “Am I losing you too?”

Jason returns Wes’ handshake, offering a small smile. “Wes. Yeah, I made it. Gotta leave tonight, but figured it was worth the flight.”

He nods to Camryn. “This is my friend, Camryn. She came along for…”

“…To keep him in line,” Camryn finishes with a laugh. She shakes her head, accepting Wes’ handshake too. “No, really, he was just gracious enough to let me tag along. I’ve heard a lot about you, Wes…nice to meet you.”

Clint’s eyes widen as he hears his name being shouted. “Uh oh…” He cringes at Wendy’s threats. “Well I… I was almost…it’s…. I got hours left yet!!”

Noting that she has suddenly stopped and realized there were other people there, it’s his turn to give her a kiss. “If you would have given me enough time to speak, I would have told you we weren’t alone, my dear.”

Jason quirks a grin at her. “Hi, Wendy.” He nods to the side. “Wendy, Camryn, Camryn, Wendy.”

Camryn giggles, her eyes twinkling with amusement. “Nice to meet you, Wendy. I see you have everything under control.” She winks at Clint. “Let her win this one. It’ll do you good in the long run.”

Clint eyes her for a moment, almost getting embarrassed, then recovering. He lifts an eyebrow at Jason. “Where did you say you found her?”

“I have no idea.” Jason throws Camryn a look. “But I’m about ready to stop claiming I know her if she keeps this up.”

Camryn giggles. “Sorry, sorry. I promised I would behave myself.” Knowing that even though Jason had said it was alright for her to follow him around, she didn’t want to keep him from doing what he wanted with the others at the ranch. She looks at Wendy with question. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“For pete’s sake!” Sparky throws up his hand. “Where is Mick?!!!”

Mel’s own face shows concern now and she doesn’t try to calm Sparky down this time. “How long have you been looking for him?”

“No one has seen him in at least two hours.”

Mel glances around the barn where they stood, then outside. “His truck is here, right?”

“Yeah…I already checked that. All vehicles that are supposed to be here are here, so it’s not like he ran off or something.” Sparky sighs. “Where could that scoundrel be?”

“What on earth do you need him for now?”

“I don’t need him for anything now…I just want to make sure he’s okay!”

A voice comes down from the hay loft. “Hey – you guys looking for Mick?”

Sparky stands back and looks up to see Eric. “Yeah. You seen him?”

“About an hour an a half ago he took out back on Zoe, ponying Trebble.”

Sparky grits his teeth. “That dang idiot.” He knew Mick had been training Trebble all week, but this was ridiculous. “I can’t believe he did that! Does he not know that a horse can skip one day of training and be fine? He’ll be gone for a week for pete’s sake!”

Eric shrugs. “Don’t look at me. I’m just the messenger.”

Sparky sighs. “At any rate, he should have been back by now.” Despite his irritation, a little bit of worry grows. He looks at Mel. “What do you think?”

“I don’t know, but we only have a couple hours, so make up your mind quick.”

Before Sparky can make up his mind, he looks out the back open door and freezes. Zoe was loping back through the field. Fully saddled. Without a rider. “Oh no…” Sprinting out the back, he heads off the mare, bringing her to a halt. She was hot and sweaty from a run, proving she must have been a bit of a distance away. Sparky keeps a hand on her reins as he checks her over, noting several gashes on her legs. What on earth had happened. Fear courses through his veins.

Taking the mare back inside, he hands her off to Mel. “Get her cooled off and put away. Eric, you’re coming with me.”

Within minutes, both have their own horses saddled and are mounting up out back beyond the eyesight of others. Sparky looks down at Mel, trying not to let his worry get the best of him. “Tell someone else what’s happened, but for heaven’s sake keep it down. It’s probably nothing, and I don’t want anybody panicking.”

With that final statement, Sparky and Eric take off across the field in the direction Zoe had come from.

Mel watches them for a moment, then heads around the front of the barn again, scanning the people mulling around. Finally, she aims for the shop. Getting inside, she sees several others there with Wes, and after offering a greeting, she pulls him to the side. “Mick’s horse came back without him,” she whispers. “He had Trebble out too… Sparky and Eric just rode out to find him.” She looks up at Wes, begging him to keep quiet. “Whatever we do, we can’t tell Rosetta.”

Another truck pulls into the driveway and parks with the growing number of vehicles. Adam gets out and scans the scene, a pleasant smile on his face. He’d gotten to know Mick pretty well, and knowing all that he’d gone through, to know that Mick had gotten this far left a good feeling.

Taking a deep breath of fresh air, he starts to wander towards the mess hall.

Jason splits off from the others to scout out the surroundings and find his grandfather. As he nears the mess hall, he spots Adam.

Adam sees him and stops, giving a wave and a smile. “Well, Jason…I didn’t expect to see you here.” He stretches out his hand.

Jason accepts the handshake. “Couldn’t resist. How are you?”

“I’m great. Things are going real good. And you?”

Jason hesitates. “I’m alright.”

Adam quirks an eyebrow. “I get the feeling that’s not the whole truth.”

“You can still read people like an open book.”

“Once you got it, you don’t lose it.”

“Yeah, well…I guess things aren’t perfect, but…I’m surviving.”

Adam cocks his head as he looks up at the younger man. “There’s a big difference between surviving and living…”

Con smiles from ear to ear as BJ comes running up. “Hey, there he is!” Roughing up the boy’s hair, he laughs. “Of course we came back! We said we wouldn’t didn’t we?”

Luke manages a smile as Angel sits next to him, and slips his arm around her shoulders to bring her close, planting a kiss on her head. "I'm better now..."

Giving a little sigh, he knows her question wasn't just the normal casual inquiry. "I'm okay...as long as the guys are around to help me around." His eyes drift to the ground. He knew he could be using a wheelchair to get himself around, but just the thought of it depressed him. "I got a good job though." He points to the decorations, forcing another smile and raising his voice a little. "As long as Jeff listens to me!"

Jeff looks down from his ladder and smirks. "Angel, will you tell that man of yours to have a little more mercy?!"

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