
Hours pass

*Geting out of the car Charlotte changes into her more suteable sneakers, and takes her bandana and ties it over and under her hair providing as headband to keep her hair out of her face. Taking out a few other items and places her water bottle back in along with a few other thing slinging it over her shoulder and ready to go.

As Bret turns around and continues to walk back words throwing his statment at Charlotte she grins at him thoughtfuly.*

"..But I do know who you are for the most part. Your name is Bret, you like to wallow in bars, You talk talking to attractive women who will talk back. I know you were married and it dident work out. Your pretty good at pool, and you like a challange thats why you dident turn me down yesterday. Everything alse I dont know about you, I am sure as our adventure continues I will learn and I am sure they are all fun and exciting things."

*Charlotte continues to walk dodging roots, and fallen branches on the path.*

"And yes, I guess I am brave. Am I fearless, goodness no, but I do like walking on the wildside and taking risks. You seem like a pretty good guy Bret from what I have seen so far, and I have no worrys. Life is to short to walk day by day fearing what could happen. I like living my life to the fullest, so when my time on this earth is up, I know I lived a full one and maybe changed a few peoples lifes along the way."

*The sun reflects off Charlottes eyes causing them to flicker and glow with life. Reaching into her bag she pulls out a bottle of water and takes a swig returning it back to her bag.*

*Misty smiles down at Carson giving him a kiss and feeling his hand on her face.*

"Well...its far to early to eat dinner yet. So I was thinking maybe we could go relax see a movie, grab some lunch, maybe do alittle grocrey shopping so you can actully having some good food in your house....."

*Misty throws Carson a grin.*

"..grab a few dvd's, come back here watch them and I can make us a nice dinner. Or if you not feeling to up to it we can just hang out, go to dinner, grab some dvds and come back here. It just depends how your feeling. You need to take the rest of the week easy so those ribs can heal. I dont wanr you over doing it."

*Misty moves slightly reaching out and grabing the asprin and poping the bottle open than the bottle of water handing it to Carson to help his head.*

*BJ continues to laugh and squeel as Con picks him up continuing to tickle him. Gasping for air and trying to squerm out of Con's arms. But to no avail the small boy cant. Finally being put down BJ stands tall fixing wrinkles in his clothing.*


*BJ shakes his head."

"...I wash hiding."

*BJ looks around Con's brawd body to a little girl about his age standing in a soft pink drink with her hair done up. As she looks around at everyone it like she is looking for someone. Spoting BJ she smiles and gives alittle wave. BJ jumps and stands straght again as he hides in front of Con keeping his voice soft.*

"Rosey wants me to hold hans wifh dat girl."

*BJ scrunches up his nose at Con.*

"But I did hewp Wendy wift some ball...bubbles..baboons. In the mess hall."

*BJ beams at her acompishment.

Jamie cant help but smile and give a laugh as BJ trys to pronounce Balloons giving Con's good arm a soft squeeze.*

*Rosetta turns to Mel and gives a nervouse smile and taking a deep breath.*

"If you can for me those flowers on the table need to be tied with that ribbon. One for myself thats the one with the Roses and than 3 others, for Angel, Katie, and yourself. Just bundle them together however you think they will look good. You have a good art eye Mel."

*Rosetta smiles as she heads into the bedroom for a moment.

Katie stands from one of the chairs where she was working on puting ribbons around the wine glasses for the reception. Looking up at Mel she waves her over keeping her voice low.*

"Is everything ok? Aunt Rosetta keeps saying she is geting a bad feeling in her stomach like something is wrong. I keep trying to convince her its just wedding jitters but I'm not so sure myself now that 3 differnt people have come in looking for Mick. I think she is starting to worry herself."

*Wendy looks at Camryn for a moment thinking about what she said.*

"Sometimes when a fish bits at bate once, and gets hooked only to be throw back in new water it gets confused. Being leery of the next peace of bate it bits at."

*Wendy follows Camryn's eyes outside staying quiet for a moment.*

"...Keep the bate in the water long enough, and prove to the fish you wont give up and he will bite, he just had to make sure he wont get hurt again."

*Wendy lets out a sigh. She new how much Jason and Katie had cared for eachother, and how it must of tore at both of them to break it off. But now she new they were moving on, Jason deserved to be happy as much as anyone alse, and she hoped the fish would bite again.

Linking her arm around Camryns she gives alittle tug.*

"Good, I need all the help I can get at this point we are geting down to the last wire. Follow me."

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