
Wedding Day

*Charlotte cant help bit grin and let out a whoop as the car spins in a circle than comes to a stop only to have it speed off again. The music was loud and Charlotte loved it. Everything about Bret seemed to match her own personalty and what she liked. As they speeded down the deserted street Charlotte bops her head the the music as she one hand taps her leg to the beat and her other arm is outside the window tapping the outside of the door. Charlotte even chimes in with some of the words carrying the toon fairly well for it being rock.

As they pull into the gas station and Bret hand Charlotte his wallet she gets out noding.*

"Pepsi, roger Roger."

*Charlotte heads inside still moving to the music coming from Bret's car. Once inside Charlotte give a nod to the guy behind the counter. Going back to the cooler She grabs a 2 liter of Pepsi and starts to look for something for herself. For a moment Charlotte's eyes drift to the left as her body steps aside too and she is stranging infront of the cooler where the beer was kept. Her eyes scaned the cases and the bottle. Finally shaking her head, she dident need that this early this morning even if she wanted alittle. If her and Bret when to the dance places he talked about tonight she could have alittle them. Moving back to the right Charlotte opens the cooler and grabs a 2 liter of moutain dew. Going down the food isle Charlotte scans the shelfs. Picking up a bag of sunchips, and trail mix. Charlotte makes her way up from and spots a bag of apples grabing them to it was something healthy. Finally making it to the counter.*

"I'm paying for the gas on pump 3 as well.."

*The man behind the counter looks at her with a smerk.*

"That will be 45.00."

*Charlotte reaches into her pocket to pull of the Cash Bret gave her and pays than head back to the car. Puting the bags back into the backseat and gets back in the front handing Bret his change back.*

"Ok, so we have gas, drinks, food, the hott guy, the pretty girl....I think we are set. Away we go again. Were is out first destanation Captin?"

*Charlotte grins at Bret and leans over turning the music up again but not to loud so she can still hear him.*

*Misty steps inside the door and takes a look around noting Carson was on the coutch. Coming over to him Misty takes note to his bloodshot eyes. Her heart giving a suddon jump. She dident know what was wrong, but she was a woman and new what those bloodshit eyes ment. Seting the water down on the table along with the bottle of asprin Misty gives alittle smile. Pushing Carson up alittle bit she slips her body underneath him and replaces his head in her lap. Gently puting the cloth on his forhead. Runing a hand though his hair Misty whispers.*

"Your great company no matter what. I just like being close to you."

*Misty continues to run her hand though his hair, as her other hand lays on his chest. No more words are said for now. Misty dident know what was wrong or what was going on, but she dident want to push. Right now she just wanted to be there for him, and give him comfort.*

*Katie returns Scott's kiss with enthuseashum. Grinig as she pulls away she looks twords the train and the moutains.*

"We could run away right now, and no one would know where we went."

*Katie looks back at Scott and leans in for another long kiss befor geting out of the van the rest of the way and heading twords the chaos with him. Seeing where her Aunt was and where she was needed.*

*Wes trudges into the workshop his dress shoes clicking on the floor. Wes showed he was only half dressing in his black suit pants, and a white tank top that was tucked in. Reading from a paper Wes dosent even see Jason and Camryn at first.*

"Clint if your still in here Wendy is going to pitch a fit cuz your not ready yet. I'd just hate to be you if she comes back in here and your still...."

*Wes finally looks up from the paper and see Jason and Camryn. His face breaks out into a gran as he aproches them.*

"Jason..I was hoping you would make it."

*Wes holds his hand out to Jason offering him a shake as part of his greeting. Than looking to Camryn he hold his hand to her.*

"Hi, Welcome to the Ranch."

*Wendy makes her way to the barn her hair done and alittle bit of makeup on. The only thing missing was her dress. Entering the shop she yells.*


*Wes gives alittle jump as he hears Wendy's voice. Widening his eyes for a moment looking to Camryn, than Jason and than to Clint.*

"Dont say I dident warn you..."

*Moments later Wendy enters the backroom where everyone was and walks over to Clint, puting an arm around his shoulder.*

"...Con is here now, and if you dont get your head out of that car and go get ready I am going to get him to have it planted there permanintly."

*Wendy gives Clint a sweet and innocent grin followed by a quick kiss and she relizes everyone alse is now stairing on her. Stand up she cant help but shakes her head and laugg giving a wave.*

"Well why dident you tell me you went alone. I made myself look like a fool..."

*Wendy clears her throt.*

"Hey Jason, Hi Wes...."

*Wendy smiles to Camryn.*


*Jamie stays close to Con she arm wrapped around his. Chiming in with him.*

"I dont know...I dont see him anywhere. I hope we dident miss him."

*As if qu one of the table cloths russle and alittle head peeks out from underneath it. BJ's face lighting up as he see Jamie and Con. Crawing the rest of the way ou BJ brushes of his little suit pants and runs to Con. Seeing his arm he slows down a bit and wraps his one arm around Con's leg and his other around Jamies.*

"Here I am, Here I am....Con, Jamie...You duyd tame back."

*BJ beams up at both Jamie and Con.*

*Lockheart follows Reese onto the mess hall taking in the sights. A normal person would feel over welms but Lockheart was use to being around strangers. This was just another day to her.*

"Everything is so nice here, and it feels so peacful dispite the chaos."

*Angel heads into the house that held Rosetta, and a few other ladys from the ranch.*

"Has anyone seen Mick? Sparky is look for him."

*Rosetta turns and looks at Angel a bit of worry in her eyes. She was so nervouse and it was only growing by the moment.*

"MICK IS missing? WHat about BJ...did you find him? What about Katie is she here yet?"

*As if on her own qu Katie enters the house smiles at Rosetta.*

"I'm here now Aunt Rosetta."

*Angel looks to Katie.*

"Maybe you can calm her down. I'll be right back Rosetta."


*Angel cant help but laugh as she hears Rosetta call to her. The poor thing had been waiting for this moment for such a long time and now it was here and she couldent stay calm.

Making her way around back Angel spots and Luke and smiles coming up behind him and siting down wraping her arms around him.*

"Hey you. How ya feeling?"

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