

Carson is tempted to stick around and make the evening last a little longer, but he knows he’s in no shape to do anything but go to bed right now.

He thinks for a moment, a little uneasy about having Misty out this late by herself, but he knows good and well she can handle herself. “Alright…I’m too worn out to argue.” He fishes in his pocket for his keys and hands them to her.

It doesn’t take them long to get back to Carson’s place and after exiting and locking the car, he lays a hand on Misty’s shoulder. “Thanks for taking care of me,” he says quietly. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Giving her one last kiss, he makes his way slowly inside, taking his time to get up the stairs and into his apartment.

Bret is prepared to pull away, when Charlotte surprises him by sliding back into the car. He’s taken totally off guard as she comes close, feeling her lips on his. For just an instant, he wants to resist out of sheer surprise, but as he experiences her kiss, he can’t help but return it, slowly…passionately, as his hand finds its way to her forearm.

When Charlotte pulls away, he can’t even find words to say, and just looks into those incredibly sharp eyes as she retreats from the car. Watching her leave, he just sits for several moments, a bit stunned.

Blinking, he shakes his head before putting his car into gear. If Charlotte had been a slower mover, he probably wouldn’t have allowed that kiss…so perhaps it was a good thing she wasn’t that slow. The taste still fresh, a grin quirks his mouth. This was totally insane, and totally revitalizing.

Reese watches Lockheart as she heads into the hotel, until he’s satisfied she’s safe inside. Yawning a little, he heads to TJY to wrap things up before heading home for the night. It was going to be a mighty early morning.

And the morning is indeed early. A gray stillness sits over the land, beckoning the sun to shine above the horizon.

“Rise and shine!” Scott meets Katie at her door, a smile pasted on his face. Though still dark, he’s wide awake, dressed in jeans and a tee, his contacts in and his new hairstyle in place. “Bus is waiting.” He grins and thumbs to the driveway where Con, Jamie and Ty are already in the TJY van.

“Have a good time!” Laura calls sleepily from her bedroom.

Scott grins and yells back to her. “Hold down the fort!” Grinning at Katie, he leans in to give her a light ‘good morning’ kiss. “Ready?”

Reese smiles his greeting to Lockheart as he picks her up at the hotel. “Good morning.” Turning out into traffic, he stifles a yawn. “I must admit…this is a bit early even for me.” He chuckles. “I’ll probably end up drifting off on the flight unless somebody keeps me awake.”

Both vehicles arrive at the airport at almost the exact same time, and after parking, everyone gets out and walks to the jet where the pilot is ready and waiting.

Con’s arm is still in a sling with limited mobility, but he’s upbeat for this time of the morning, teasing Jamie on their way to the plane, slinging his other arm over her shoulder to half drag her along.

“Anybody heard from Jason?” Reese asks once they’re boarding.

“Nope.” Con shakes his head. “Last I knew, he said he’d drive himself here, since he’ll probably be coming back before the rest of us.

The group gets settled inside the plane, Con sitting next to Jamie, and Scott claiming his seat next to Katie. Reese takes up residence near the front and Ty stretches out alone...

…Reese stands in the plane and looks out the window again, glancing to the pilot, then looking at his watch again. The sun was just starting to rise and the sky was a golden pink. “Come on, Jase…where are you?” Everyone else had been waiting for fifteen minutes already.

As if on cue, a black pickup speeds alongside the tarmac, parking in the side lot next to some other vehicles. Jason gets out of the driver’s side, but he’s not alone. Another figure gets out of the other side, also carrying a backpack, but their identity is vague in the dim morning light. Pausing to converse for just a moment, both break into a run, racing to the plane. Jason has the lead by far, and turns around halfway, running backward as the young woman laughs and pants to keep up. Reaching the stairs, Jason lets her go first, up and into the plane.

Out of breath, Jason apologizes. “Sorry guys. We got…”

“Hung up,” Camryn intervenes. She raises her hand. “My fault entirely.”

“Not quite but…” Jason looks down at her. “You certainly didn’t help.”

“Just for that, you’re sitting by yourself,” Camryn retorts. She looks down the row of seats. “Got an empty seat for a lonely passenger?”

Con grins at the antics and thumbs behind him and Jamie. “Get on board Camryn. What brings you on this adventure?”

“Oh, just some guy that picked me up off the street. I thought it might be dangerous going out of state with a stranger, but I was convinced by some friends that he really meant well, even if he did act a little funny.”

Jason rolls his eyes and gives her a shove. “Move before I walk right over you.”

“You’d like that.” Camryn smirks at him and moves down between the seats, smiling at Con before sitting down behind him.

Jason flops down across the aisle behind Scott and Katie, tossing his backpack in the seat next to him. “I expect you to be quiet on this flight.”

“Me?” Camryn exclaims. “You kidding?”

“I’ll have Con sit on you,” Jason threatens.

Con turns his head to see Camryn out of the corner of his eye. “Don’t tell him this, but I’m on your side.”

“If you didn’t have that arm in a sling, I’d come whop you one,” Jason complains.

Con stands up out of his seat. “You threatening me?”

“Children!” Reese chides. “Do you think you could behave yourselves so we can get going?”

Con starts to speak, but Reese cuts him off. “Especially you, ya big tank. The last thing we need in this jet is for you to be rolling around inside. You’d take us down for sure.”

Con offers him a sloppy salute and plops back down, throwing his good arm around Jamie’s shoulders. “Fine. I’ll just sit over here with the one person who appreciates me.”

Camryn giggles and grabs her seatbelt. “Next time I promise to not make anybody late. I don’t want to start a war.”

Later that morning…
Bret drives up the street, aiming for the familiar corner. He was five minutes earlier than the time he and Charlotte had agreed on, and still wondered if she would really show.

Pulling up to the curb, he waits, his music playing loudly.

Carson shuffles from the kitchen to the living room, having thrown on his jeans, but that was as much as he’d gotten dressed so far. Everything hurt.

Easing down on the couch, he stretches out on his back and puts the bag of ice to the side of his face. With his other hand, he reaches for his phone and dials Misty.

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