

*Katie sits quietly on the beach not having moved much in the last few hours. Starting to feel Jason emotions again but not so strong Katie shuts her eyes. She suddinly felt so alone, yet she had the emotions of another running thought her mind.

A short while later hearing voice Katie knows one is Jason and can only guess the other was probley Scott just by the tone yet everything alse was a blurr.

As Jason draws near Katie dosent turn her head thought she wants to. Her daze is so strong and she is not even sure why. Its like her whole brain just shut down trying to look things out. As Jason touches Katie she feels a susson jolt, almost like an elecrtil currint run through her, slowly things start to focus though she is still tired. Her body seems to relax and the pain she felt was gone.

Slowly Katie turns her head twords Jason her eyes glassy and bloodshot from crying. Her voice horse comes out as a whisper. Katie's strong voice seemed so quiet and tired.*

"I...dident mean to feel all the things I did J. I dident want to invade your privesy. I...I just wanted to help you, but now its grown into something so much more, and I dont want you to always fear that I am going to know what your feeling."

*Streams of tears start to show in Katie's eyes again as she thinks about everything. Before she even knows it, as if she calapsed she leans her head on Jason's shoulder. The energy he let off was comforting on its own. Being close to her best friend, made her feel alittle better.*

"I....dont know whats happening to me J and I dont know why to stop it. I tryed and I cant. I just...I dont know what to do."

*After asking for a box for her own left over steak Misty turns back to Carson and gives a smile. Trying out the new steakhouse have been a good choise by Carson the food was amazing not to mention filling. The night had been a good one and Misty hated that Carson wanted to go back to work to finish some stuff up, but what could you do when work calls work calls she new that. She would just have to make the most of the time she did have.*

"Hey thats pretty cool that Sheriff Brown is filtering cases to us. Keeping us on our toes. Though things have changed it dosent seem like anything has gotten to be to much. I think its rather nice not having to double checking everything and knowing if there is an injory to great its ok to send someone to the hospetal again."

*Misty takes a sip of her iced tea giving a grin at Carson.*

"And if you guys do get alittle bit of action that would probley be fun for you eh? Its been a while since you guys had anything that called for guns blazing and fists flying. Not that you should be right now. Your healing nicely and I dont need you going damaging yourself anymore. As for me the most action I get myself into is in the office when I docter you guys up. I think I rather like it that way too."

*Wendy looks up from her desk as she see Clint her face breaks out in a smile like it always did when Clint was around.*

"Hey you! Wes and I were starting to get worryed."

* As Clint talks Wendy takes note to the look in his eye. They had a new spark, a new love for life she new oh so well. Hearing about Clint's desition Wendy stands and goes over to Clint wrapping her arms around him in a strong embrass.*

"Congradulations and yes of course I want to go. Let me grab my stuff and lock the office."

*Grabing her purse and keys Clint and herself make there way out of the office locking the door behind her and heading out hand in hand with Clint. She was over joyed that he asked her to come along. This was something she really dident want to miss.*

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