
God's Gifts

*Charlotte stops turning back to Bret. He was sticking up for her taking some of the blame that was strange. This whole thing was strange with Bret. From the day she ment him things lined up perfecly so they could spend more time together. Sparking a renewing hope in her heart that there really were nice guys in the world still. It felt good and Charlotte couldent deny it.*

"Bret, you cant take all the blame eather. As much as I apreshate it, I cant let you take all of the blame eather. So I guess your just going to have to shair it with me."

*Charlotte cant help but Grin at Bret.

Angelica lets out a sigh as she watches the two some more. She saw something in her sisters eye. She wasent quite sure what it was but she could tell something. She was still upset, but was starting to calm down.*

"Whats done is done I'll still be your lawyer, if thats ok with you. I'm sorry as well for exploiding like I did."

*Katie stays on the ground in the sand her knees pulled to her chest. The tears still falling from her eyes as she gently rocks. She can feel Jason thoughts and emotions calming but her body felt as though it just went through a great shock. She could felt herself shaking, and the tears still falling but she dident feel like she had controll over it anymore. Her mind wanted her to stop, to stand and go back to work but she dident know why her body wasent responding to her mind. Maybe....maybe she just needed to rest.*

*Aerith slips into the booth across from Jason leaning on the table.*

"Its ok I was going to be taking my break soon anyways and its slow today."

*Aerith leanes back in the booth listing to Jason trying to understand what Jason was saying. It was a bit confusing but the more she listened she more she could peace together alittle bit of what was going on. Looking at Jason thoughtfuly searching his eyes she can tell this was something that really was bothing him alot.*

"We are on this earth to make the best of life and shair Gods love with everyone so they can join us was we pass on. We are here so we know what it is we have to look forward to when we go to heaven, because it is so much better than this. This world is imperfect so we know what we are missing here that we can find when we enter our eternal home. It gives up hope and something to look forward too. The point is to spend all the time we can with friends and loved once till the day we die, making sure we will see them again. Some of our best memories are not of us alone but of those we hold close to us."

*Aerith smiles as she closed her eyes for a moment. Remembering her fishing trip with Wyatt and his dad, than to the times with her own father. Being filled with peace, chasing away anything that had been dishearting today.

Opening her eyes again she tilts her head looking at Jason again she smile so soft, and strong at the same time.*

"Its sounds to me, not knowing 100% of what is going on, you need to talk to this person. Running away or trying to just brush it under the carpet is only going to make it get worse, and cause the tention to grow. And if as you said neather of you can help what is going on my guess is the other person probley feels pretty strange and confused about this as well. Your NOT alone in this, and because of that your cant think of only yourself. Alot of what I am hearing from you is me, me, me...but what about the other person? Do you think they like knowing what your doing all the time? Feeling what you feel? I'm sure the other person feels like there life isent theres anymore eather. Seems like they might be living your life and not like it too."

*Aerith reaches her hand out and gives Jason's hand a pat. Still smiling friendly at Jason.*

"I can tell by looking in your eyes your going through alot Jason. You been though alot a normal perons your age shouldent have to. You feel into a rut and are trying to climb out, keep climbing Jason but remember you dont have to do it alone. Weather you shair your life with someone or not, you have to keep moving forward and the best way I think to do that would be to sit down and talk. Its a step in the right direction anyway."

*Aerith smiles at Jason again.*

"I love ya like a friend Jason. You have been more than kind to me when you hardly even new me and I that shows you have a kind heart. Your a strong person and your gonne be ok. Dont let yourself get unhappy or depressed. If you dont like something do something to change it. Talk with someone, figure a salution to a problem, and remember God gives us gifts for many reasons. Dont hide them or try to snuff them out, but learn to controll them and see how he wants you to use them. There is a good reason for everything. Every breath we breath has a purpis. Weather its to simply make someone smile, or give them joy to saving there life, nothing should be over looked."

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