
Don't belong

*As Misty hears the dead silence on the other end of the phone her consern grows. It was unlike Kyle not to answer in his normal bouncy tone, not to mention call into work on top of it.*

"Kyle, Kyle are you there? Can you hear me? Kyle?"

*Receving nothing and than heading a thump like the phone was dropped something inside of Misty throws up red flags. Something was not right. Not right at all.

Hanging her phone up Misty sits in her driveway for a moment before starting the car up and moving across town. For the sake of her feeling Misty had to check on Kyle. After yesterday and the fun they had she had to make sure Kyle was ok.

Finally geting to his apartment Misty makes her way up to the door and finds it unlocked. Entering Misty keeps her guard up as she cross the quiet rooms. Going down the long hall Misty peeks into some of the rooms and finds them empty till finally pushing the last door open see Kyle. Seeing in laying on the bed the way he was it makes Misty's hair stand on end. Just something gave her a bad feeling.

Entering the room Misty hurrys over to Kyle's bedside without even thinking twice about it.*

"Kyle, it's Misty..whats wrong? Where are you hurting?"

*Feeling Kyle's forhead he is hot and cold at the same time. His skin was so clamy, yet his head was burning up. Opening his eyes and looking into them Misty see the look she had seen on the faces of other before him. Bringing a hand to her mouth Misty gives a gasp. Kyle...no not Kyle. She had to make sure before doing anything for fear of making it worse. Misty speaks in a soft tone keeping her hand on Kyle's shoulder to let him know she was there with him.*

"Kyle, I know it hurts, and it probley hurts to talk but you need to tell me if you remember anything? Or if you got yourself into anything. Please Kyle, let me help you...I cant let anything happen to you. Not now, not after everything. Pleas Kyle what do you remember?"

*Jess sits in the small booth of the bullseye a few empty shot glass beside a beer bottle. Replaying the advents of the night in her head and what happend when they had returned home.*

"You're such a witch Jess you know that. Why did you have to go off on Velvet like that? She was just looking out for our hides."

*Takes a sip of her beer and looks down at her hand she couldent help but think Peter was off still feeling the sting on his face from where they both met.*

"Where do you get off talking to me like that Peter. I'm not just another name in your book you can treat like trash."

"You're so sure about that Jess? You must be blind. For the last year we have been on and off, on and off, and when we were off what do you think I was doing? Still thinking about you? Still keeping myself for you? Ha..I wasent even doing that when I was with you."

*A few tear surfice in Jess eyes but she does not allow them to spill over as she replays Peter's words in her head. No, somewhere in her head she new Peter was unfaithful. It was Peter after all. But she had been blinded, she'd wanted to be loved and when Peter was with her she had felt it.*

"Your a fool babe, a dang fool. You think your gonna be more than this some day, you always talk about getting out of this place..well guess what your just like the rest of us, your nothing. Your a low life gambler who wouldent know what a real life was if it hit her in the face. You think you can do better than me? Ha thats a new one, you dont deserve better any more than I do. You'll be back like you always are."

*Jess pours more vodka into her shot glass and downs it. She had been called names before, and she had been put down. But for some reason it hurt even more this time. Maybe Pater was right, she was no better than them, she dident deserve better in life. She had marked her path and was traviling it. But now reality had given her a check and she just wanted to drown away her sarrow.

As the door to the bar opens with a squeeking sound Jess looks up spoting Carson. She had to addmit she was a bit saprised to see him. It was good to know he was ok though and made it back. Yet the look on his face proved he was non to happy and she dident blame him.

Standing Jess steddys herself holding onto the table as everything spins infront of her. Finally as it stops she slowly walks to where Carson was leaning slightly on the bar her words slered.*

"I...dish want to leaves you ya know. Nots that it mattersh much but, I wash out numbered by everyone. It'sh good to know you made it bash ok though."

*Jess reaches into her back pocket and pulls out and envilops with Carson's name on it. Slidding it across the bar Jess sobers up for a moment as she takes a searouse tone though her eyes are still glazed.*

"This is you cut of the winnings. You earned this fair and squear no matter what you say. Do what you want with it."

*Jess pushes herself off the bar and waves to the bartender to pour her another shot. Than she downs it before looking at Carson again.*

"It was good to meet you Carson while it lasted. Go home now, you dont belong in this place. You belong with that girl from the restront again. Your better than this even if you dont think it. Dont become like us, and be so far gone we cant turn back. Go home Carson, go home."

*Jess gives him a friendly drunk pat on the shoulder as she starts to hum and make her way out of the bar. Where she would end up now she dident know, what would happen she dident know, Would she end back with Peter again? She could only hope not. Those she called friends were gone now. Those she though ment love were gone now. She was left alone in the crule word once again. Alone!*

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