

Clint shakes his head slowly. "If I didn't say yes to this, I think I would be a fool."

Catching his uncle's eye, he purses his lips grimly. "I'll do my best, Wes." He'd screwed up a lot of things the last few years, but this was one thing he wanted to do well at. He liked the work here, and he wanted to do a good job.

"Unless for some reason Wendy's against it.... yes, I'll take on half the shop, and run it while you're gone."

Ryder grins and winks at Thirteen. "Yeah, I think it's okay. At least this way I'll know you're safe during the day. You'll do a good job - I know you will."

Carson nods. "You might have to talk with some customers sometimes... can you do that?"

Time couldn't move more slowly for Jade. Though receiving an apology from Mick about the other night, her heart was still heavy with all that was going on. She still hadn't had the nerve to ask her father if she could stay... but she knew the longer she was here, the more curious he would become as to when she was planning on leaving.

Another unanswered call from her mother was all she could take, and later, Jade found herself sitting on that familiar bale of hay, just waiting until she could go to town with Dan. Her stomach growled, proving it was ready to go to town too.

Scott's eyebrows rise and he laughs as he takes his can of pop. He had no idea why BJ was calling him Blinky, unless he'd been blinking more lately as his bad eye had been bothering him. "Thanks, Bub." He takes a long swig, and sighs with satisfaction before setting the can aside.

"Alright, Beej, hand me that blue wire over there."

Working alongside the child hadn't been planned, and it made work go a bit slower, but Scott had all day to make sure everything was running. BJ's presence didn't bother him a bit and he kept the boy busy, asking him to hand him this or that while he fiddled with the equipment.

Gunner slams his desk drawer shut and stands up. He was through for the day. His mind wasn't working right, nothing was going right, and he just wanted out of here. Maybe it really had been too early to come back to work.

Grabbing his jacket and keys, he heads out of TJY without telling anyone he was leaving early.

Arriving home, he's slow to go inside. Stepping on a squeaky mouse, a lump rises in his throat. He needs to clean up... he needs to put all the cat stuff away... he needs to see what kind of food he had and go shopping. But instead, he doesn't even take his jacket off before sinking down on the couch and curling up.

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