

Going back once again to get the red handled pliers BJ was happy to help, and it was something new to do as well that peeked his interest.

Coming closer to Scott BJ lays next to him looking up at the wires and everything that was connected together and even those that wernt. The wheels in his head started turning as he tryed to understand everything.

"But how does that go to the shatlight? An invisible string?"

Reaching up to touch some of the wires BJ is very careful not to break anything thing. He just was interested. He'd never seen something like this before.

" I like puzzles, tan I help you please?"

Looking up as Jade's phone rings and than as she puts in back in her pocket Dan tilts his head for a second. He could probably guess who that was and he felt bad for Jade. His parents were still together thought he hadn't talked to him in a long time, he didnt have to grow up choosing sides. He could only imagen how hard that must of been.

Talking loud enough so Jade could hear him in the other stall Dan mentions.

"Hey, I wanted to know if you'd like to go into town with me after chorse were over. I was thinking about renting a movie to watch tonight and I could use a hand on finding something good. Maybe we can grab a bit to eat as well."

Dan new it wasnt much but it was all he could offer to try and help her at least forget for a moment about the phone call she had and keep her from getting upset.

Smiling and returning Carson's kiss Misty gives a little nod before looking back to Ryder. Quite for a long second before saying anything.

"Well, I dont think Ryder would burn the place down. And I have tasted his and Thirteen's cooking here before and its not to shabby. I think that would be a great idea."

Leaning into Carson a little bit Misty just relaxs still a little tired but nearly as much as she had been.

"Psht, I'm related to him, it run in our blood not to give up I guess. I think having Ryder fill in here everyone in a while so you ich can be scratch is not a bad idea. I happen to like the past about spending more time with you tll."

Rolling her eyes Ryan just lets Leo lay there not minding one bit.

"Your not in the way really, if you wernt here i would probley be here on the couch alone watching tv."

Flipping through the channels Ryan find something that seemed ok on TV. Leaning her head back on the couch she just watchs it as she zone out, wondering if she would be the next to be captured by the overcoming feeling of sleepyness.

Holding the keys out to Clint Wes just lets them dangle in front of his nephew. He'd thought about it all night, talkinged it over with Cindy and she agreed. While he was gone Wes needed someone to be able to run the shop.

"I want you to have the shop and run it for me while I am gone. We would be partners. You would have half and so would I. But I want to making it offical that your co owner. You deserve this."

Wes only hopped that Clint would agree to doing this. He was a great macanic thats was learning something new from Wes every day. But now it was time to test his wings and what a better way than this to do so.

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