

Giving a smile as Clint takes the keys Wes can see the worry in his eyes. It was a look that was normal and if he hadn't seen it than he himself would of been worried.

Laying a hang on Clint's shoulder Wes gives his a soft but ferm squeeze.

"Running into problems is part of having a business. I'm not going to be around to ask, its going to be in your hands and I know you will do whats best. If you get into a pinch and dont know what to do you can always ask for what someone else thinks."

Straightening just a little Wes tryed not to let his own worry show. He really was worried about leaving but not because Clint might do something wrong but because he would be leaving his family. He liked working with Clint and he would miss it but knowing the shop would be in good hands eased that.

"Your good at this job Clint. I trust you running the shop and thats why I asked you. If you want to think about the offer just let me know."

Looking up at Carson Thirteen studys him for a long moment before glancing at Ryder. She was getting use to Carson slowly after being here with Ryder many times.


For a long moment Thirteen thinks looking down at the table. Maybe she would help with the cooking, Thirteen liked doing that alot. She couldnt help but be a little excited but feel nervous at the same time. It would be nice not to have to be alone while Ryder was gone and Aerith was nice, she liked Dani too.

"I can try. Will it be ok Ryder?"

Thirteen looks to Ryder with question in her eye. Not asking him if she could, but asking if it was safe here, and maybe even looking for the reassurance she could do this because she was strong enough. She'd never had a job before, or even have a reason to make money.

Giving a smile maybe a little bigger than normal since Jade couldnt see him Dan leans on the pitch fork for a moment before getting back to his work. The rest of the chores were going to drag now that he had something else to look forward to. But in the end it would be worth it.

Thinking hard BJ lets the information once more process about the wires and cell phones. Finally his mouth goes in the oh shape as he nods like he understood, mimicking something he had seen Rosetta do.

"Dat, is kind of cool."

Hearing that he could help if he got something for Scott. Jumping up BJ had a look of excitement on his face. This was deffintly something that broke up his day.

"I will be wright back."

Going to the fridge BJ opens it up and and looks in searching the pop till he found what he was looking for. Finally grabbing the green can and just looking at it for a moment he finally grabs his own cup of juice, shuts the fridge and than heads back to where Scott was coming next to him and sitting down his cut between his legs and holding the can of pop out.

"Here you go, Blinky your Moutain Drool."

Giving a smile BJ didnt even relize he was pronouncing the name of the can wrong.

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