

*Misty turns and smiles sweetly at her uncle give alittle nod.*

"I'll be ok, but if I need ya I'll call."

*Misty continues to the kitchen pouring herself some OJ and warming up a breakfest sandwitch. Siting and eating Misty gets lost in thought her mind going from one thing to the next.*

*Katie sits up with a start looking around the room. Hearing the phone ring again she reaches out and answers it.*

"Hey J. Well I am glad everyone is ok."

*Katie cant help but let out a yawn.*

"Ya I could use a ride to work. I think Laura is geting a ride from Nate so ya I guess I do . I'll be ready by 6:30-7:00. Ok...I'll see ya than."

*Katie hangs up the phone and swings her legs around the side of the bed. Rubbing her eyes she streaches. Her alarm was going to be going off in a half hour there was no point in going back to sleep. Grabing her head phone she starts to listen to some music singing along with it geting her vocil cords ready for tonight. Grabing her cane she heads into the kitching still singing softly.*

*Nate crosses his arms across his chest leaning on the doorframe.*

" Well we have a spare room done up down the hall you can bunk there. I am sure everyone agrees you proved yourself to us. Your free to do what you want Carson."

*Nate throws a look to the breakroom a small smile creeping across his face.*

"I'd stick around though if I were you. Its not even day you meet someone like that girl in the other room."

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