
Back to Work

*As Carson winces and goes for his shoulder Misty cant help put wince herself, and put her hand on it saw well wishing she could make it feel better for him. Misty gives a small laugh.*

"Dont worry I believe you. Come on lets get you back so we can stop that pain."

*Misty goes to the driver side and waits for Carson to get in. As they drive back and the rain comes Misty keep a watch on Carson out of the courner of her eye. As the more makeup comes off Carson's face she see that it was more than alittle beating Carson receaved. Misty shakes her head still floored that they could do something like this to anyone. A small bit of anger enters Misty the more she thinks about it. Misy mind bounces from one thing to another unable to focus on just one thought. Though when her mind goes back to the kiss with Carson a smile creeps arcross her face.*

Finally they pull into TJY's parking lot Misty lets out a long sigh. Geting out of the car Misty makes her way over to Carson's side opening his door and helping him out. Misty coulde tell he was in a great deal of pain. Taking it slow Misty and Carson make there way inside. Stoping only one hesatationg on entering the door. Misty feel like turning and runing away but she knows she cant. Finally starting again they enter TJY*

*Katie lets out a sigh as she stands and makes her way to the kitchen for a drink. Henry following close behind.*

"Well your right sometimes things dont, and sometimes planes backfire but we all make mistakes.but as long as you did it with the best intentions thats what matters."

*Katie takes a drink of water and pops some left over chicken in her mouth than heads back to her room. Siting down in bed and leaning aganst the wall.*

"Everything will turn out ok. I know it will. Just keep that head high and dont lose hope. After Carson returns with Misty if ya need a shoulder I'm here. I probley wont be sleeping so just give me a call."

*Though Jason cant see her Katie is smiling trying to comfort him.*

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