

*The fire in Misty's eyes return to full color as she stairs back at Carson. Her sassy smile returning to her face.*

"Fine by me, I am in no hurry to go back."

*A grin plays and dances at the courner of Misty's mouth her eyes never leaving Carson's.*

"Are you sure its a battle you want to win? Or many just this once losing is ok."

*As Carson draws her closer to him once again like so many times before her paulse quickened. It was a feeling she could never get tired of though. The tast of Carson sweet lips, being wraped in his warm arms, feeling Carson so close to her Misty can feel herself melt as she kiss him back. Misty's one arm finding its way to Carson's back as the other slowly finds the side of his face. Misty cant help but feel happy never wanting this moment to end under the starlit sky and the soft sound of thunder to set the mood just right.*

*Katie toss and turns in bed finally siting up and looking at the clock. It was late and she hasent hurd anything from Jason since dinner. She dident feel anything wrong but that dident mean something happend to Misty anyways. Picking up her phone she dials Jason's number.*

"Jason it's Katie. Any word on Misty yet?"

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