

Gunner sits quietly as Bree begins to speak, not having any idea why she was starting to explain her past. How it was connected with tonight, he didn't know. But as she continues, it didn't matter to him anymore how it was connected.

As she reveals her past, and her attempt on her life, Gunner couldn't believe it. Memories flash in his mind of seeing Bree in the little diner for the first time. Seeing her at JT's and how she laughed at all the silly jokes and stories. Finding information about her work at the children's hospital and how good she was with the kids. He recalled her visits to him at Northside and her comfort, strength and undying acceptance, no matter what he did or said. The nights gazing at the stars would be embedded in his mind forever. She was the kindest, most compassionate, caring person he had ever known. To think that someone had pushed her far enough for her to want to leave this world, it was... it was an unbearable thought.

Finding out what her parents had done to her, he began to understand the hints that had been dropped in casual comments along the way. And it angered him. He wasn't sure what this new feeling was... he didn't recognize it. But it was definitely anger. It wasn't a mad anger though... not the kind that would make him scream or lash out. It was the righteous kind. The kind that sought justice. The kind that hated wrongdoings and that could only be eased by seeing someone pay for what they had done. How could any parent do that to their child? Especially one so innocent as Bree? Thinking of her being hurt caused a strange sensation of pain in his own heart.

Listening further, he bristles the same as he had when he hadn't known it was her at the door. These people... the people that had caused so much harm.... they were here... and they had someone following her.

Gunner feels Bree nestle in closer again and his beating heart almost hurts as he hears her fearful words. Instead of answering her right away, he reaches for her wrist, unbuckling her watch and letting it slide off. Wonder filled his eyes as he takes her hand in his. He looks at the scar and runs his thumb over it, studying the mark that she would wear forever.

"This isn't the mark of a coward." His words are soft... softer than they've ever been. "It's the mark of a survivor."

Placing her hand back on his chest, he then tilts her face upward, seeing the traces of tears. He'd never felt this way before... feeling sorrow for someone else's hurts. He didn't like it when other people were hurting, but he'd never actually felt it before.

"They can't take you anywhere," he assures. "Not as long as I'm around."

Looking into her eyes, he soaks up their gaze. His hand shifts to cradle her face with his palm and he can feel his heart rate pick up again. "If anyone deserves freedom, it's you."

Once Rosetta is able to get up, Sparky stands as well. He gives her a wry grin and looks at the wet spot on his shirt. "It'll dry," he assures.

Following her gaze to the bottle, his heart sinks a little lower. Making up his mind, he walks to the dresser and picks it up. "I'll get rid of this for you," he offers. "I'm also gonna grab some of BJ's things to take over to Jim and Becky's so you won't have to worry about that."

Starting for the door, Sparky stops and looks back at Rosetta again. Taking his bandanna out of his pocket, he reaches it out to wipe away some leftover tears. "If you need anything, don't hesitate, okay? I'm gonna stop by the office when I'm done here and finish up some of that paperwork that needs to be taken care of and call Ben like Mick was gonna do, so we get that grain delivered. And... I'll give the others the brief version of the story so no one will have too many questions."

He nods, confident he'd remembered everything. Looking at Rosetta's red eyes, he bites his lip, seeming to want to say more, but then goes into the hall to go to BJ's room. Finding the boy's backpack, he manages to find a couple sets of clothes, one of BJ's favorite stuffed animals, and at the last minute, he grabs the game of checkers.

"Yeah, right." Wyatt smirks, but a smile spreads, proving that he wasn't really as grouchy as he sounded.

Jason grins.
He'd be miserable without someone to pick on him. Somebody's got to keep him on his toes.

Wyatt slows the van down and takes a right turn. "Alright, food here we come. But it's gonna be fast food, got it?"

"Yes sir." Jason salutes to the rearview mirror. "Drive on."

A few miles down the road, there's suddenly a big jolt to the van as if they'd run over a large object.

Wyatt's grip on the steering wheel tightens. "What the..." The van swerves from side to side, until he can slow it down and take it onto the shoulder. From the thump, thump, thump, it's obvious that they've blown a tire. "Aw, great."

Jason's eyes are wide as he hadn't been buckled in, and had rolled over to the side. "What was that?"

"I have no idea. I even had the brights on and I didn't see a thing."

"It wasn't just the tire blowing was it?"

Wyatt shakes his head. "No, we hit something alright. Beats me what it was though." He glances in the side mirror, but sees nothing. They were on a pretty deserted road, and nothing was in sight. "Alright... we gonna draw straws to see who gets to go out in the cold?"

"Well we could but..." Jason thumbs to the back end of the van. "Unless you've got a tire hidden up your sleeve, we're gonna have to walk."

"You're kidding me." Wyatt turns around just to see that Jason was right. "Aw great."

Jason heaves a sigh and looks to Katie. "Well... it's about five more miles to the next town. I guess we walk."

"How about we use our heads and call someone instead?" Wyatt reaches for his phone, only to discover that it doesn't work. "What on earth..."

Jason grabs his, and finds the same dilemma. Frowning, he goes for the Elite equipment, to see that no battery or electrical devices are working. "That's weird. Are we in some major dead zone or something?"

"Uh, guys... I don't know.... but they might." Wyatt's voice had become strained as he stares straight ahead to see four men walking towards the van with semi-automatic rifles.

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