

Feeling Sparky's arms around her Rosetta wasnt sure if she was thankful for them or upset that he had to see her like this. It had been so long since she had, had a break down that now she just felt embarrassed. But remembering this was Sparky and how much he had helped her in the past it would be silly to be angry with him.

Leaning into Sparky Rosetta just leans on him as her tears still come. She didnt know what to say, or what to feel she just wanted to cry. Finally catching her breath Rosetta was able to talk in between her sobs as she see sought comfort in his arms.

"Mick...he's...been drinking since he slipped the other day and no he left to go to the McClain and he dosnt know when he will be back. Dylan is going to be there to because I guess they found him with some friends and he was pretty high. I just....dont know what to do Sparky. What am I going to do without him here? What if he dosnt come back? I...I just cant deal with it."

Pushing her face into Sparky's chest even more Rosetta's tears pick up agian. She wanted to stop, but she didnt know how, she wanted to not feel broken but she did. Everything was a mess.

"No one thinks they are better than you Dylan. We only wish we understood. You are I, we dont get alone but that dosnt mean I dont care about it. If I didn't I wouldn't be here. I would of told them to find someone else. But I didnt."

It is sad to see this. I've seen it before, a long long time ago with people I use to call friends. Getting yourself messed up like this is...a quick fix to lose the pain but once the high is gone, the pain is ten times worse.

Leaning forward Katie puts rests her elbows on her knees picking at the dry skin on her finger for a moment than looking back at Dylan. Searching his eyes, looking deeper, trying to find the boy that was in there some where still. Her own eyes trying to show compassion and understanding.

"We are taking you here because we care. There is no other option, and life is two short to let the people we love walk alone no matter how much they want us to."

Turning her eyes from Dylan Katie looks to Katie and than out the window. They would be there soon as the scene's started to look a little familiar.

A fear races in Bree's heart as she stands on her Uncles pourch leaning her head against the door for a long moment. Finally opening the door to the house quietly as to not wake Gunner if he was sleeping Bree steps in.

Hearing television play in the living room Bree new Gunner was still awake. Still feeling so scared she was shaking. Bree new she had seen him, it wasn’t just her mind. Sitting in the dinner waiting for her float tonight it was clear as day when he walked in and looked right at Bree. Those cold steel eyes would not be ones Bree could forget so easily. Why wouldn’t her parents just leave her alone. What had she done? She wanted to start over, she liked her life now, and she liked Gunner. But they had the power to destroy her and everything she held dear.

Walking twords the living room Bree looks in to see if Gunner was awake and seeing the him shift on the couch a little she knows he was indeed awake. Giving a little sniff to let him know she was there Bree enters the room fully and sits down next to him.

Galncing over and seeing Gunner was shirtless once again Bree would of smiled, or felt embarrassed but she was to upset. Maybe she could just talk with Gunner for a little bit, and than leave him be. She just needed someone, even if that someone was shirtless. But who better for that than Gunner. Bree couldnt help smiling in her head, boy did he look good.

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