
All I have to do

Ryder pulls himself up into a sitting position, and reaches around to accept the glass from Katie. He grimaces, but downs the liquid anyway. "Lousy American liquor," he mutters.

Setting the glass down, he shakes his head. "No... guess I don't need to go anywhere, unless you know where I can pick me up a new head."

He tries to wake up, blinking. How had Katie known he'd been drinking? He looks at Henry, shaking a finger at him. "Never tattle on a mate." Stretching, he stands up, stifling a yawn, and looking at Katie. "And by the way, I'm not stupid... I'm just resourceful when looking for something to cure my boredom."

Trudging to the kitchen, Ryder opens the refrigerator door, scanning the contents, looking for something for breakfast. But as he does, his stomach gives a lurch, reacting to the alkaceltzer. He puts a hand to his stomach and tries to wait out the nausea, letting the refrigerator door fall shut again. "On second though..." He doubles over slightly. "Maybe I am stupid."

Carson grins and nods. "Alright, I'll tell him. When you're out of work, stop by Mom and Pop's." He slips on his tennis shoes and grabs his jacket, heading for the door. Slapping his baseball cap on, he turns around one more time, opening his mouth to say something, but then seems to change his mind. "See you later, Sassy."

He could have asked for a ride, but he needed a good run to clear his head anyway. After walking for one block, then stopping to stretch, it was a sprint the rest of the way back to his and Dani's place. Once there it was a quick shower, change of clothes and a ride from his sister to get him to the hospital...

Carson slowly approaches the room, hoping he was at the right one, and peeks in cautiously. Seeing Mabel nearby and Herb in the bed, a small smile spreads. He enters and wanders over to the bed, sinking down in one of the chairs, but first giving Mabel a wave. "Well now... you don't look so bad after all." He grins at Herb, trying to cover up the real worry he felt. "I must say, you know how to scare a bunch of people."

Luke throws the last couple items of the few belongings he had with him in his backpack and zips it shut. "Well... I'm ready whenever we need to go." Moving a bit slowly, he tries not to let Angel notice how difficult it was for him this morning, being on his feet. He sinks into a chair instead of standing any longer.

Rick smiles as he gives Angel one last check over. "And I'll give you the okay to go whenever you need, too. I'll let you travel, but when you get home, I want you to make sure you take it easy for a couple days yet." He looks to Luke. "Make sure of that, will you?"

Luke forces a smile through his tiredness. "All I have to do is tell that to Rosetta, and no one will let Angel work until she's able."

He sighs and glances at the clock. "Jeff hasn't said a word to me yet this morning. I have no idea where he is, but I need to find him to let him know we'll be leaving today."

"You won't have to."

Luke looks up quickly, seeing Reese in the doorway. "What?"

"I said you won't have to." Reese is fairly solemn. "Jeff won't be going back with you."

Luke's eyes widen and he looks to Angel, then back to Reese. "Well why not? What's going on?"

"As far as everyone is concerned, he's simply not on any agendas anymore. And that's as much as can be said."

Stunned, Luke is speechless. He blinks. "But... what... I don't understand."

"You don't have to." Reese gives a nod of reassurance.

"You mean we can't even say goodbye?"

"He's not even here anymore."

Luke's pulse quickens. "But..."

Reese shakes his head. "That's all I can say."

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