

Jason hugs Katie a little tighter, finally straightening to see her face once more. Reaching up, he wipes away her tear with his thumb, just looking her in the eye for a moment. Then bringing her in close, he presses his lips to hers in a passionate kiss, his arms wrapped around her as if never wanting to let her go.

I love you too... just the way you are.

"Jason?" The intercom on his phone carries Reese's voice.

Jason withdraws from Katie, but only to shift his head and return to the kiss, not to listen to his boss.


He continues to ignore it, his hand giving Katie's back a gentle rub.


Jason finally pulls back, giving Katie a couple more light kisses before reaching for his phone. He keeps Katie on his lap though, still holding her with one arm. "Yeah" He quirks an annoyed eyebrow. "Alright. Be right there."

He hangs up and sighs, taking Katie's hands in his. "The boss summons. We'll pick this back up later." He grins a little, a slight mischievous glint returning to his eye.

Standing up, he lets Katie slide from his lap, and walks her to the door to part until later.

Luke nods at Angel. "I think he's had time to visit with her. Though Katie was one of the team to Australia, so she hasn't been around here this whole time."

Taking a deep breath, he lets it out slowly. His eyes were so tired. His head hurt, and his body ached from head to toe. But he couldn't rest yet... no, not yet.

Carson grins at Misty's response. "I think I can handle that."

Finishing up their meal, he's more than happy to escort Misty out of the diner and go back to her place. Settling down in the living room with her, in front of the television, it was one of Carson's favorite times. No distractions. No noise. No business. No work. Just him and Misty, wrapped up in his arms...

Ryder stretches and yawns, but winces a little as his head throbs. Henry jumps up on him, and he groans, not appreciating the cat's attention this morning.

Rolling over, he looks at the clock. It was later than normal. He thought maybe he remembered hearing Laura leave a little earlier. Had Katie gone yet too? He had no idea. He really didn't remember a whole lot about getting inside last night either. He thought he'd dozed off out on the porch and it must have been Laura who had let him in the house. And after that.... it was pretty much a blank.

Sighing, he lets his hand flop down on the cat to scratch Henry's head. What was he going to do today? The same as yesterday? While he'd had fun at the time, he really didn't feel like doing it all over again just yet. Not to mention, as far as he knew, no one else knew what he'd been up to, so the less frequently he did it, the less likely he was to get into trouble. Not that he really could... Reese was barely working on getting him something to do here, so Ryder wasn't even convinced that he'd be able to stick around TJY all that much longer.

One of Carson's eyes cracks open. His mind was in a total fog, and it took him several minutes to even get his bearings. His body expected him to be in his bed, but after thinking, he realized he was not. Then where was he, and who was....

His other eye pops open and he glances down. He was still laying on Misty's couch from the night before, and she was still curled up with him, his arms still around her. He hadn't slept so soundly in ages.

Yawning, he stretches out a little bit, intending on waking Misty gently. But all of a sudden he realizes that he was supposed to be somewhere else right now. He was supposed to be visiting Herb this morning before needing to go open up Mom and Pop's.

"Ohhhh crud." Sitting up quickly, he catches Misty from falling off the couch. Taking her in his arms, he stands up, then deposits her back onto the cushions. Leaning over her, he plants a kiss on her lips. "Morning, babe. I gotta run. I'm late. Sorry."

A smile spreads on his face. "See you tonight?"

Scott eases down behind the desk, letting Domino jump up in his lap. She was used to coming to work with him now, and so was he. She always behaved, and seemed to work extra hard at not getting in Dalton's way.

Scott turns on the computer slowly, his mind seeming to work just as slow this morning. He was gradually feeling better, and gradually gaining confidence. He had walked himself to work this morning instead of being picked up. It hadn't been the greatest experience, but he'd done it, and knew Hope would be proud of him. Hope... he was supposed to see her again this afternoon. He couldn't forget.

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