

Con manages to quirk the corner of his mouth. His voice is hoarse and quiet as he tries to stay lucid. "It'd take more...than that...to get rid of me." His fingers give Jamie's a little squeeze.

As Katie comes in and speaks to him, he opens his eyes halfway. "Hey, Kat...quit your worrying." A soft chuckle emerges. "Like that'll...happen." His eyes drift shut again, the exhaustion too much for even him to handle.

Jason looks into the room and hesitates, seeing the two women in there and not wanting to intrude. But noting the quietness, he goes ahead and enters. Walking up slowly, he sees that Con is sleeping. "I just talked to the doctor," he whispers. Explaining briefly, he nods. "So he'll be in here a bit, but only a few days probably." He glances over his shoulder. "That other guy, Brandon, got the worst of it. They don't know if he's going to make it or not."

Pausing, he thumbs to the door. "The other guy there, Bret, he's in for it too - I guess someone has already pounced on him for the land surveyors that apparently he hired...they're blaming him for being negligent and not looking into the company more, even though the foreman wants to take responsibility."

Giving a little sigh, Jason starts to retreat. "I'll head back to the office," he informs quietly. "Anyone need anything, let me know."

Just as he leaves, it's Scott's turn to come in. He sets a hand on Katie's shoulder. "You okay?"

He looks to Jamie next. "Your car is out in the lot. I brought it over."

Wyatt jumps as his cell phone rings. Answering it and receiving the news from Jason, he breathes a sigh of relief. "Thank God....alright, Jase...thanks." Hanging up, he gets up from the booth at Mom and Pop's where he'd been for lunch, and heads to the counter. He waves Herb and Mabel over. "That was Jason....they found Con...he's going to be okay."

"Yeah?" Carson answers his cell phone from his desk. Hearing the voice at the other end, he listens for a moment. Suddenly his eyes widen. "What?" Listening more, he stands up, the phone still to his ear. "Look, I think...no....that's impossible...."

Glancing around at the full office floor, Carson aims for the exit where less ears are. Hitting the outdoors, his voice raises just a little. "I don't know what you're trying to pull but..." His face forms a scowl. "No, I don't think it's true. I think it's a game that..." He stops, swallowing hard. Despite the anger, a look of fear crosses his eyes.

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