

*Jamie straghten and stands a bit closer to Jason watching. Without even a relization of it Jamie clings to arm as if she were dreaming and feeling him there made it real.*

*Katie stays wraped in Scott's arm but her head perks at Jason's words and seeing the workers move just alittle faster. Her ears picking up sound.*

*Nate steps closer to Laura drapping his arm over her shoulder. A glint of hope in his eyes. Was it Con? Was it all three men? Where they alive? Many questions were still left unanswered..But Nate's hope had been resparked, recharged.*

*Katie and Jamie are close behind Jason. Hope, fear...what was going on....what was happing.

Jamie watches intently, her hope growing. There was one man out, she new that to be Dean, and than before Jason's words were even finished that form, the hair, though covered in dirt Jamie dident have to think twice it was Con. I serge of pure joy, a happyness like never before surged through her vains as a squeel of happyness escaped her lips. As she watches the take Con to a safe area Jamie cant contain it any longer. Breaking free from the arms that held her back Jamie's feet hit the pavment as her heart racing matches. Finally drawing close Jamie slows just a bit before running into Con wrapping her arms around him. Burrying her face into his chest as new tears form in her eyes. Tears of Joy replacing thought of sarrow. Pulling away from Con but not fully leting go Jamie brings her hand up to the sige of Con's face rubbing a bit of the drit away her face, her eyes filled with a joy like nonother. Standing on tip toes Jamie reaches up pressing her lips to Con's and taking in the moment. It was as if this was the first time kissing him all over again, the joy that Jamie felt was indiscribable.

Katie turns to Jason and than to Scott after seeing Jamie cause an opening and running for Con. A smile spread across her face. With all her heart Katie wanted to follow Jamie and give Con a hug of her own. But watching Con and Jamie in there embrace Katie waits. There would be her time to give her big brother a welcome back hug for right now, it was Jamie times. She deserved this, Con deserved this, this was there time. Katie stays standing back with Jason on one side and Scott on the other. Her own heart filled with so much joy. God was amazing.*

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