

Jason waits, almost afraid either he'd woken Katie up, or she'd shut him out. Getting her response though, he feels a little better and looks back up to his mom. "She'll come."

Cindy's eyebrows lift. "That's it?"

Jason gives a short laugh. "Well what did you expect?"

"I...don't know." Cindy cocks her head. "Do you...hear...."

"Words?" Jason shakes his head. "No. It's... just... emotions." He shrugs lamely. "It's like another language... hard to explain."

Kaylee crying interrupts them and Cindy sets her spatula down. "Well, someone is up. Watch these eggs, will you?"

"Yeah." Jason takes over the stove for a few minutes until Cindy has taken care of Kaylee, passed her off onto Wes, then returned to the breakfast.

Jason is just ready to sit at the table, when he feels his emotions speed up just a little. Like a magnet getting closer to a pile of paperclips, the emotional pull increases. "I'll get it." He heads for the door.

Cindy turns around, bewildered. "Get...what..."

There's a knock at the door. She can't help the surprise on her face and looks to Wes. If Jason weren't her own son, she might be thinking this was just a little too weird for comfort.

Jason is to the door right when Katie knocks, and opens it for her. Looking at her for just a moment, he studies her eyes, trying to figure out how she was feeling. The spark still wasn't there...it was still dim...it would be a while.

Jason had worked last night at not giving her too much to think about. After the awkward scene in the mess hall, he'd felt ridiculous, hadn't wanted to deal with anything he'd felt from it, and had shut it out so he didn't have to think about it.

Sorry about last night. I wasn't thinking...I shouldn't have put you in that position, so I apologize.

He almost felt as if he was apologizing for the feelings for Katie that had seeped out, even though his gut told him that it was really what she wanted. He just felt...clumsy and stupid. But now wasn't the time.

"Morning." A smile creases his lips and he steps out of the way. "Come on in. Breakfast is just ready."

Cindy leans back so she can see the door, and smiles. "Good morning, Katie! Make yourself at home, hun, we're just getting started."

Jason leads the way to the kitchen table where Wes is holding Kaylee. "I guess proud papa can show off the baby," he teases, throwing Katie a wink.

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