

Clint laughs. “I know, I know.” He grins and waves to Katie. “Night, Katie. Sleep good.”

Jason’s eyes follow her out. No stress… just… oh… goodnight, Hero.

“Who’s up for cards?” Clint reaches over and steals the deck from Jeff.

Jason slips inside the house, seeing that the light is still on in the living room.

Cindy looks up from her resting place against Wes. “Hey, Hun. Did you see everyone?”

“Yeah, mostly. Thought I’d hit the hay now.”

“Alright. If you can’t find something, holler.”

It’s not much later that the house is quiet. Jason lies on his bed, staring out to the end of the room where the moon was shining in through the window. He tried not to think about his emotions…he tried not to think about Scott…he tried not to think about Katie. He just wanted to rest for once…just rest… just…sleep…

Kaylee’s cries echo from the room across the hall. Jason’s door was halfway open, and he sits up straight in bed, for a moment, trying to get his bearing. What on earth? Then he remembers where he was. It was the middle of the night…and that was his sister crying.

He hears his mom get up, and hears her gentle voice trying to sooth Kaylee back to sleep. But after a while, it’s apparent that his mother’s efforts weren’t working very well tonight.

Cindy paces the baby’s room with Kaylee in her arms, rocking her gently, and talking, trying to stop the crying. “Shh….Kaylee…” she whispers. “Come on, hun…shhh…”

Suddenly she stops, hearing…music? Walking to the door, still rocking Kaylee, the music gets a little louder, though is still soft. A mellow melody is quietly picked out on an acoustic guitar, the notes gently drifting though the night air. Then the words that accompany come with such a sweet voice, to lull anyone.

"Little baby, don’t you cry.
Your mamma’s here by your side.
So dry your tears, don’t be afraid.
Shut your eyes and dream again.

Look at the stars in the sky,
The moon is smiling down on you.
The clouds have all gone away,
Sleep now, little babe.

Tiny baby, don’t you fret,
Love is here, oh don’t forget.
Arms to hold you close tonight,
Just close your eyes and see the light.

Look at the stars in the sky,
The moon is smiling down on you.
The clouds have all gone away,
Sleep now, little babe.

Yeah look at the stars in the sky,
The moon is smiling just for you.
The clouds have all blown away,
Sleep now…little babe."

Looking down, Cindy suddenly realizes that Kaylee is sleeping soundly in her arms. Shaking her head with a smile on her face, she returns to lay the baby down in the crib once more. All is quiet the rest of the night.

Jason yawns and stretches, shuffling down the hall towards the kitchen.

Cindy looks up from the stove where eggs are cooking and she smiles. “Morning, sleepy!”

Jason grins. “Morning,” he mumbles.


“I think so.” Jason heads to the fridge. “Orange juice?”

“In the door.” Cindy keeps cooking. “You can eat here or at the ranch…it’s up to you.’

“Oh, I’ll stay.” Jason pauses, the juice carton in hand. He’d thought a little bit this morning, and was a little hesitant, but wanted it. “Would you mind some extra company?”

“No. Who?”

“Thought I’d ask Katie to join us. I wanted her to meet Kaylee.”

“Sure!” Cindy smiles. “Speaking of which, I think your sister likes your voice.”

Jason grins a little as he finds a glass for his juice.

Cindy points to the phone. “I don’t know where Katie was bedding down, but you can call up to Mick and Rosetta’s. The number is there.”

Jason takes a swig of juice and shakes his head. “I don’t need to.”

Cindy stops for a moment and lifts an eyebrow, skeptical, even though her son had explained the evening before.

Jason’s eyes focus on nothing for a moment, looking as though he’s lost in a stare. Hey Katie…Mom’s got breakfast on…Want to come over? Meet Kaylee too?

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