
Close your eyes

*Misty shakes her had and laughs at Carson. She cant help but enjoy Carson roughness, and his spark. Misty wouldent want it any other way.*

"I guess tomarrow I'll have to be ready and waiting than for you."

*As Katie sits with the boys her tummy tightens as Jason keeps her out. Her salad dident seem so appraling anymore but she tryed to continue to eat it anyway. Katie trys to keep the conversation light between the to boys as her head starts to spin.*

"Reese have you doing anything exciting yet?"

*Katie keeps her eyes focused on her lunch trying to get herself to calm down.*

*Aerith lets out a giggle feeling her cheeks from some reson turn alittle red*

"Ya, I'm still here. I though I should get a job or my grandmother is going to drive me crazy."

*Smiling Aerith jots down what Wyatt wants.*

"ok thats easy enough to remember so next time you come in I can just get it for you. So dont go changing it up on me."

*Aerith smiles and turns to get Wyatt his drink and have Herb warm up 2 slices. Aerith brings the drink to Wyatt.

A rough looking crowd enters the dinner and sits in Aerith section. Loud laughing can be hurd from there table. Aerith smiles at Wyatt and goes over to the table to get there drink orders. Heading back to grab them she also grabs Wyatt pizza and brings it to him before heading back to the others with there drinks.*

"Enjoy Wyatt."

*Aerith throws him another smile.*

*Wes holds his hand out to Cindy and takes it leading her to the truck. After helping her in Wes leans in her side and gives her a kiss on the lips. Geting into the driverside Wes just sits for a long moment. Finally turning to Cindy.*

"You trust me hun? Close your eyes and keep them close tight till I tell you to open them again And dont worry its nothing bad. Everything is gonna be ok."

*Once Cindy closes her eyes Wes starts up the truck and heads out not being able to help a smile now cross his face.

Making turns here and there Wes drives for sometime till finally they reach there destanation. Shuting the truck off Wes opens his door.*

"Dont open your eyes yet hun ok."

*Wes gets out of the truck and shuts the door going over to Cindy's side opening her door and helping her with her seatbelt. Once she is out Wes scoops her up in his arms and walks alittle ways before stoping.*

"Ok Sweetheart you can open you eyes now."

*In front of them stood a while one floor 3 bedroom house with black shutters. There was a pourch on the front 2 big windows on eather side and 1 big window in the middle. The front yard looked tore up alittle bit still showing it wasent long ago the house was complete but there was grass seed layed down and baby trees and flowers lined the yard showing where they would be.*

"It was finished 4 days go. I was cleaning up, and wanted to saprise you. Now I can carry you into out new house like I should of after we got married."

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