

*Katie eyes Jason for a moment as a sadness comes over her.Even a bit of shock by Jason's tone.*

"No one is avoiding you J. Maybe I am stupid, but everything WILL be ok. As for you opening up you know when it comes to being with me it helps you. It always has and you always insist on keeping it in anyways even though I dont understand why. I never turned away before cuz of your feelings."

*Katie stands throwing her dish into the sink.*

"I'm sorry you feel like I am treating you with kid gloves. You have been gone for more than a year, everyday I wanted to see you again, to hold you..I wanted to be able to help you cuz I new you would be hurting. I sure as heck know I would be. If Care and worry is treating you like a kid I am sorry. Your right though maybe I should of waited at least a day till you were settled. I guess I just imagend everything differntly. I'm sorry J. I dident mean to make you feel like you would rather be in prison than with me. I'm sorry. Let me know when your settled in and we can both start enjoying life again. You know where my desk is if you need me. I'll be waiting."

*Katie walks slowly out of the break room. The destination in mind her desk. Anything to keep her mind busy as her heart crumbled and her spirit broke.*

*As Stans arm is twisted backwards his other buddys stand ready to defend him as Stan though in pain grins.*

"Well Well Well....if it isent the night in shinning armour."

*The guy across from Stan snickers.*

"Whats the matter dont like to shair you Girlfriend? I would think you would be honnered someone alse would take intrest in her. Means she is pretty and worth something."

*The guy next to Stan growls.*

"Why dont you just mind your own busness pretty boy let us have out fun and you wont get hurt."

*As Wyatt twists Stan's arm he brings his leg out from under the table hooking Wyatt's foot and pulling it from underneath him. The other lung for him.*

*Aerith watches in fear. Looking around the dinner it is pretty empty at the moment and Mable was in the back room with Herb. Acting fast Aerith goes into the back room to try and find Herb for help.*

*Wes smiles. His heart sang with joy that Cindy liked the house. Wes was happy, he had a wife he loved dearly and a wonderful new home. What more could he ask for.*

"As soon as you feel up to it. Yes it does and I figure we dont have alot to fill it now. But little by little we can get more and soon, we are gonna have to much."

*Wes own excitment shows in his voice over the differnt plains that were being made.*

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