
Long way

*Katie pulls away from Jason and sits on the edge of the bed. Giving another whipe to her face she gives a sniffle.*

"Yeah I'm sure I will be fine sooner or later right?!"

*Katie trys to offer a smile as she leans back on her pillow. Not quite laying down but not quite siting up eather. Her mind still siffed thought the new information and tryed to sort it out.*

"I guess now that you said something I do feel a little hungry. Wasting away would be a bad thing. I promised Con I would try and stay out of he hospital and if I wont back he'd kick my butt."

*As Jason walks away Katie's eyes follow him. She couldent help but wonder would anything be the same again ever. Would what happend change things between her and Jason. It certinly dident see like it but what was going on inside could be something totally differnt.*

*A tall skinny woman about 24 with long dirty blonde hair sits on the stool next to Carson. Her own bottle of beer infont of her the lable half torn off. Her wrists lined with braclets and around her neck hung chains. Her eyes have a tint of glaze relaying her had more than one beer tonight.

Turning her head to Carson as he sits down she gives him a once over. A grin curling on her lips.*

"You look like your a long way from home. Not that I mind having you sit next to me."

*Picking up the beer she brings it to her lips and takes another swig before setting it down again.*

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