

Jason simply holds Katie close, letting her cry...letting her talk. In the back of his mind, questions arose that he didn't want to face right now. He wondered what would change now. He wondered if after remembering, Katie still loved him. He wondered if they would function differently now or if things could just get back to normal. But he didn't dwell on these now. The future would have to take care of itself.

"It's okay," he speaks quietly. "You don't have to say anything. And quit thanking me. I couldn't just walk away...not like this."

His hand gently rubs her back, as he tries to soothe away the pain. In reality, having Katie this close...talking to her...touching her...it was just as much a comfort to him as it was her. He could feel his emotional strain easing off as her presence itself was like a warm summer breeze to his inner battle.

Taking a deep breath, he suppresses only the things that he doesn't want Katie to know right now...the things he doesn't want her to have to deal with right now.

After a while, Jason finally pries Katie away from him so she can sit up and he can tilt her chin to look her in the eye. "You gonna be alright? Hmm?" He offers a small grin. "Why don't you just settle down here while I go find something for us to eat. You may not be hungry, but you need to eat something. The last thing anyone needs is for you to waist away to nothing."

Carson slides into his car and lets out a long sigh. He was hot, tired, and his feet hurt from standing all day. It had been a long day...he'd worked more hours than normal and was feeling it. Misty was working late tonight, so all he had to look forward to was going home and sacking out on the couch in front of the television.

Starting the engine, he pulls away and heads to his apartment. Halfway there, he decides to take a side trip to the store, and once finished there, he realizes he needs to get gas somewhere too. Winding up across town for everything, he's finally on his way back, and feeling even more tired than when he'd left for work. Right about now, just to sit and have a nice cold beer would hit the spot.

As these thoughts pass through his mind, his eyes catch sight of a bar. There were a few cars parked out front. It was late evening...not late enough for the crowd to have gathered yet. Carson hadn't stepped foot in a bar in a long time, but tonight, it would just hit the spot. Besides, there was nothing wrong with it. He'd go in, sit, have a beer and leave. That simple. He could do that.

For just a moment, his conscience argues with him, reminding him of the pass, but he ignores it. This was fine. After the day he'd had, he deserved the break.

A few minutes later, he was walking through the door. The smoke hit his senses along with the smell of beer and the noise of rock music, chatter and laughter. Heading for the bar, he finds a stool and orders a bottle of beer.

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