

Jason heads to the kitchen to find something to make a couple sandwiches. Though he kept his hands busy, his mind still wandered. Though being with Katie felt good, getting away was a slight relief too, but he didn't quite understand why. It was almost as if being separated, he didn't have to fight something...but what it was, he wasn't even sure.

Pushing aside all these rampant thoughts, Jason simply fixes supper and takes it back to Katie's room. Sitting in her chair, he eats with her, not saying much, but just being there. He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable or awkward. He just wanted to help her get through this. He knew she didn't remember everything yet. Would it make things easier or harder on her to remember about Scott?


Jason sits up straight, hearing Laura's voice. "In here."

Laura comes down the hall, her purse still slung over her shoulder. She pokes her head into Katie's room and offers her a smile. "Hey, you. Good to see you back."

Jason knows that this is his cue and slowly rises from the chair. He exchanges a quick glance with Laura, then looks down on Katie, reaching out to rough up her hair. "I better get home, Hero. You need anything, you know who to call."

Heading out of the room, Laura gives his shoulder a pat. She knew why he'd been here...and on some level, she understood. Once he's gone, Laura looks back to Katie. "I just got back from being out with Nate. Can I do anything for you before bed?"

Carson quirks an eyebrow at the stranger's comment, and he doesn't turn to look at her. He takes a swig of beer and lets it slide down his throat before responding. "I could live right around the corner and you wouldn't know the difference," he retorts. He leans his elbows on the bar and absentmindedly picks up a pretzel to chew on. Just sitting here to relax felt good. Though he'd been proud of the fact that he'd steered clear of bars as of late, he couldn't help but feel almost a relief, as if this was what he'd been waiting for.

He throws the woman a sidelong glance, noting that it appeared she'd already been here for a while tonight. Even so, someone to talk with didn't bother him.

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