
*Katie smiles at Wyatt.* "Ya I have a few things to finish up here than I certinly will come find you." *After Katie is along She sits at her desk and starts to clean some things up trying to get organised. After she typed a few things up for Reese. All the while something tugs at her heart. It was Jason. He wasent in danger but he was sad, depressed. Katie couldent help but feel it was her fault. Opening her email she writes a letter*

{Dear Jason,
Though its only been a few days it feels like ages since I talked to you last. I hope all is well with you and everyone alse at the Ranch. I am doing well. I like it here.
I guess I am writing this email cuz I have been thinking alot and want to get some stuff off my chest.
First I wanted to say I am sorry for blowing up on you. That was wrong of me and I should of handled it better.
Second I want to exstend my most genuin congradulations to Jade and youself. Ok maybe thats not the word but I am truly happy for you both. You deserve the best J.
Third I guess I want to explain myself alittle bit better than I did before. When I think about it all I guess I worded alot of stuff wrong. I wasent upset that you were dating Jade Jason, I guess I felt led on in a sence. I dont think it was your doing though. I think it was mine. I led myself on and I am sorry that, that got in the way of our friendship.
And last I'm sorry I failed you. What am I talking about. I dont even know. But I feel I have. I failed as a friend. and I am sorry.

Respectfuly Yours,
@->--- Katie P. ---<-@
~*~Secratary of TJY~*~ }

*As Katie rereads what she typed she sighs. Thinking she hits the X to close out the program without sending Katie stands bumping her keyboard. As she walks away a message flashes on Katies computer "Mail Sent."! Katie walks to find Wyatt. Finally seeing him she heads up and smiles.* "I'm ready when you are."

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*After making it back to the ranch Rosetta heads inside with BJ. Going into the kitchen she looks for something to make for everyone. Quietly stewing in her own thoughts. BJ's care was in there hands now. They held this small boys future in there hands.*

*Angel goes up to Lukes bunk and knocks on the door softly calling for him.* "Luke? Its Angel."

*Wes looks up at the sound of cars. Looking over to Clint he yells.* "Hey Clint it looks like everyone is back. I'm going to go see what went on if you want to stay here and finish up thats fine. If you want to come along thats fine too." *Wes starts to leave.*

*Wendy sits quietly in the courner on the computer. Wraped up in the files to even notice anyone entered the room.*

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