

*Rosetta looks at Mick grimly.* "Ok JT thank you. Its alot to think about." *Exiting the office Rosetta see Damien. Walking over to him she nods.* "Your up."

*Damien gets up and slowly makes his way to the room. Entering her holds his hand out to JT.* "Hey JT, hows it going?"

*Angel looks up as Rosetta aproches.* "So what happend?"

*Rosetta relays everything that JT said to Angel.* "So now we need to find his family to make a choise. I cant make it I know that."

*BJ runs up to Rosetta.* "Rosey am I healfy?"

*Rosetta smiles at BJ and gives him a small hug.* " You are BJ you are."

~*~Back at TJY~*~

*As Katie works time flys by without Katie even relizing what time it is. Her desk is a mess and needs to be cleaned up. Feeling someone standing next to her she looks up and see Wyatt. After intaking his invatation Katie looks at the time.* "Ok wow I dident relize what time it was." *Katie giggles.* " I would love to go to lunch with you. I could use a break." *Katie looks around her desk.* "I guess I should clean this off when I get back huh." *Grabing her coat and her sunglasses Katie heads for the door with Wyatt reminding herself to call Con when they got back.*

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