
About yourself

*Damien nods* "Thank you JT." *Damien takes the small bag with the chip.* "Oh yay its what I always wanted." *Giving a grin Damien leaves the room and hands the bag to Mick.* " You best hold on to this so nothing happens."

~*~With Wyatt~*~

*Katie giggles* "Jason has a dog? I dident know that." *Katie thinks for a moment about everything Wyatt said.* "Ya Jason does have alot of talent. He deffintly is in the right busness." *Katie trys to change the subject off of Jason.* "So Wyatt...I've met you, got a ride to work from you, and am having lunch with you but still know nothing About you." *Katie takes a bit of her hamburger, and a sip of her water.* "What do you like to do? Tell me about yourself."

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