

JT nods in agreement, though finding it hard to imagine that Damien is in this position without knowing what's going on. He asks no questions though, and takes Damien to a different room to avoid any attention. Half an hour later, he's sewing up Damien and putting a bandage on. "Now, just take it easy the next twenty-four hours or so, so you don't tear your stitches. Have Angel check the wound out in a day to make sure there's no infection. Otherwise, you're good to go. You'll be sore for a while." JT holds up a small plastic bag with the chip in it. "And here's your prize."

Wyatt grins. "Heard you and Jason might have been partners - I'd say something qualified as you two working together." He chews on a couple french fries. "Yeah, he and I have done a bit together. He knows what he's doing, that's for sure. Some people might try to tell you he got to the top just because he's the boss' grandson, but I'll tell you that he worked his tail off to get there - it was earned all the way. Not too many of us at TJY have the natural skill he's got." Wyatt shrugs, taking a swig of his soda pop. "We're all waiting for him and Austin and Con to get back sometime - been different without them around here. Not to mention I'm tired of taking care of Jason's beast for him." He chuckles. "He's alright, but he misses his master, that's for sure, and I can't get him to do squat for me."

Sparky sighs deeply and leans back in his chair, letting his Bible fall shut. So many things were running through his mind, but one subject was most heavy on his heart. He had to say something...he had to talk to Mick... but how would he be received?

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